Wednesday, October 30, 2019


What's more important, insects or money?

Here, Jim Rickards breaks down why 'this time it's different', and if you listen carefully @ 33m33 (nudge, nudge, wink, wink!) he admits that banks run the place:

"The next one is going to be worse than you can imagine, something we've never since, maybe the 14th century!"

Got food?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Solar Forcing

Here's a quick ten-minute guide:

And a longer version:

Pierre Jovanovic

Dans le media français, il y a ce monsieur qui explique très bien la crise financière:

Mais qui c'est? Voici un article interessant:

Où c'est écrit:

'Les actionnaires de ces banques, qui sont propriétaires des actions de la Réserve fédérale (FED), sont les gens qui ont contrôlé les destinées politiques et économiques des États-Unis, depuis 1914. Ils sont tous Juifs et Sionistes.' voici le grand problème - ils ont gagné!

Sunday, October 6, 2019


All the financial analysts are talking about the Fed's REPO market - which started as loans (against collateral, of course!) to failing banks.

Here, a blogger I don't have much time for (he's not honest) breaks down the Fed's latest releases of 'money', which appear to now be unlimited.

I agree with him that it's all falling apart, just not that it's good guys vs bad guys - this is *ALL* intentional, and by design:

Here are two more articles proving the point that there are failing banks:

Their objective is massive reduction in numbers.....of humans!

On the other hand, Smaulgld doesn't agree at all that it's as serious:

And here's one he did just for me!