Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Eugenics - Alive and Well II

The modus operandi of the so-called self-appointed 'élite'. But no, there's no global conspiracy! The video is from more than seven years ago, by the way:


Here's a more humorous look at the recent Californian 'wild' fires (not):


The film 'The Black Horse of Turin' is uppermost in my mind at the moment...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Future Global Events to 2022

News From Russia

Here are some comments posted in the Comments' section in one of the channels I follow, written by

"In the WEST your politicians are keeping quiet on this GSM Ice Age Glacial period which is coming while in the EAST which is Russia we Russians are openly discussing it in many but discreet circles. Actually President Putin started acting on it QUIETLY and has implemented the program to further prepare for the GSM OPENLY but in a very quiet manner and IF SOMEONE ASK WHAT WE ARE DOING THEN OUR CONSTRUCTION WORKERS AND FARMERS WILL JUST SAY IT IS JUST AN IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM because we, who are in the know, just simply told them that it is just an agricultural infrastructure and technostructure retrofitting engineering program and expansion program.

So while we are IMPLEMENTING OUR GSM PREPARATION PROGRAMS IN THE OPEN the public is just simply told we are just doing an agricultural improvement program. Your Western politicians in the West, U.S and Europe, are SELFISH AND SCARED AS HELL LIKE SOYBOYS that instead of doing the right thing OPENLY WHILE EXPLAINING OPENLY TO THE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PUBLIC THE USUAL SUBTLE EXPLANATIONS THAT THEY ARE JUST IMPROVING AGRICULTURE, they instead, fatalistically, surrendered to fear that they might not succeed and kept quiet about it AND LIED TO THE PUBLIC.

 But President Putin and his Russian scientific advisers and policy makers are not fatalistic, they are realistic REALISTS AND FIGHTERS! So as they struggle to restore the Russian economy, they are also preparing for the GSM and the coming Glacial Ice Age that will follow it. From the year 2000 to the year 2005 - to - 2007 we have finished all of the key critical strategic industries to meet that needs to prepare for the GSM and coming ice Age. While at the same time continuously expanding our C.O.C underground installations and facilities which are by themselves, mini-Earths having their own self-contained and close-loop food chain cycle ecosystems with their accompanying Living Machines integrating interfacing systems connecting the agricultural ecosystems and industrial ecosystems as examplified by Professor John Todd and by the Kalundsborg industrial-ecosystems. And all these was accomplished in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s up to this year 2019!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFHFQNbSP2s Dome-Shaped Greenhouse in Japan. Published on Dec 3, 2014 A 70-year-old entrepreneur is promoting the indoor, computer-assisted cultivation of vegetables to establish a business model that can draw young people back to agriculture. Takaaki Abe founded Granpa Co. in Yokohama in 2004 with the aim of using technology to develop a profitable indoor farming method. He was 61 at the time. The company makes use of specially designed dome-shaped buildings to grow its produce. Each is about 30 meters across and is equipped with an automatically rotating hydroponic water tank as well as computer systems that maintain temperature and humidity at optimum levels.

 Vegetables, such as lettuce seedlings, are placed in the center of the water tanks, moving outward as they grow. By the time they reach the perimeter in 30 to 50 days, they are fully grown and ready to be dispatched to retailers. Granpa’s system is designed to minimize the need for fertilizers and other chemicals, which increases the crops’ appeal to health-conscious customers.

 Japan's MILITARY hydroponics were designed to have 4 to 5 redundant systems and are modular pluggable components, their pipes can easily be replaced by sliding back an internal o-ring rubber lined connector and replaced that worn out pipe and slide back both ends with the two internal o-ring rubber lined connector and the wires are also the same for they can easily be unplugged into several segments and then adjusted or some segments are replaced and all are plugged together again as one long cable. Hyper-safety GFI circuits are placed before and after each terminal plugs and sockets and are heavily grounded.

However, what they are showing are just for the public but their REAL HYDROPONICS are based on the non-circulating and self-bioremediating hydroponic system using plants to maintain water purity and hygiene and safety and oxygenating it and are fertilized with composite rock dust powders mixtures. They use a combined but modified system of 4 hydroponic systems called as the (1) Bengal Hydroponics 1950s, (2) Mittleider Pseudo Hydroponics 1950s, (3) Wroclow Hydroponics 1950s, and the (4) Hybrid soil bed over water culture hydroponics 1920s. Combine these 4 with Professor John Todd's "LIVING MACHINES" principles, 1980s, they are able to create a passive Living Machine hydroponics system which is self-regulating and self-maintaining and all of these was for their Japanese Military Ministry Of Defense. Whatever they show to the public either in the newspapers, magazines, pocket books, mini-mags, booklets, large hard bound books, encyclopedias, and the internet are OFFICIAL information for the masses. But the UNOFFICIAL information are only for very high top ranking Japanese government officials and military officials.

And I am not going to be surprised if they have their own C.O.C program which they might have started way back in the 1960s or most probably in the early 1970s. C.O.C stands for "Continuity Of Civilization". Electrical power, heating and cooling, and ventilation are provided by their own MSR reactors already on line since the late 1980s and early 1990s to meet the needs of their Japanese military but are already connected to the civilian Japanese national power grid and are just waiting for orders to be switched on to provide electrical power when an extreme emergency comes into existence. How did I know all of these things? Simple, I was kept on being periodically re-assigned to Southeast Asia in the 1980s and 1990s and even before my retirement in 1992 at age 65, I was asked to remain to be in the service for an extended period both in the field and as a teacher for the next generation of Russian analyst intelligence officers who are now currently working for President Putin. I was finally allowed to resign 15 years later in 2007 at age 80. Japan's civilian hydroponics are in a way, partly compatible to Japanese military hydroponics but there are still vast differences."

Since the year 2000 we started a program wherein there are 3 parallel reserves. The military grain reserves. The civilian grain reserves. And the Domestic Civilian Stockpiles. Over the years we have expanded our grains and legumes production and accelerated the program after the American sanctions on Russia. Since that time up to this present year 2019 the: (1) 8 military grain reserves. (2) 8 civilian grain reserves. (3) 8 Domestic Civilian Stockpiles of which each of these reserves contains 1 billion metric tons of wheat. That totals to 24 billion metric tons of cryogenically freeze-dried wheat grains (and other grains and legumes included). (4) secondary immediate use stockpiles.

The use of rock dust powders and properly made biochar allowed higher yields to be attained. What our present Russian population is consuming are the (4) secondary immediate use stockpiles that are meant to last for 7 to 10 years or more and are added every year. The use of terraforming the arable lands to prevent flooding and to recharge the underground water aquifers by catching and impounding the flood waters into catchment infiltration basins was quietly done. Therefore in total there are 4 reserves of which 3 are not to be used except in war time and the secondary immediate use stockpiles which has been accummulating cryogenically freeze-dried grains (and other grains and legumes included). The policy to export is that once our FIRST four obligations are met, then the extra surplus (which are actually surpluses of the surpluses) are then exported.

But the Western mainstream media will not report it or under report it or mis-report it because of geopolitical power considerations from the West. Read Susan George's book "How The Other Half Dies" and you will know that world hunger is not caused by overpopulation or by natural catastrophes BUT BECAUSE OF LACK OF MISMANAGEMENT AND BY THE DELIBERATE WITHHOLDING OF CAPITAL TO SABOTAGE THAT COUNTRY'S (IES) AGRICULTURAL POTENTIAL for geopoltical and military consideration at the expense of people's lives and that of their welfare and livelihoods.

We did this 4 reserves, of the 2 reserves and 1 stockpile holding a total of 24 billion metric tons of grain and the 4th classied as secondary immediate use stockpiles holding an accummulated 15 to 17 billion metric tons over the many years, due to what happened to Stalingrad and Leningrad when starvation and famine has wrought terrible hardships and psychological stress on our people. We remember our past history and vowed to never to allow it to happen again. We still have the 70 million metric tons of wheat grain set aside to be exported to America to tide you over and which was meant to be delivered in 2018 but our offers to help you Americans were rejected by the State Department UNDER HILLARY CLINTON, A DNC DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN and kept away from President Donald Trump from knowing it.

But now, I hope through Youtube, he will know it or someone will inform him. By the way, cryogenically freeze-dried and vacuum packed and ultrasonically sealed grains or cryogenically freeze-dried and pre-vacuum prepared and nitrogen packed and ultrasonically sealed grains inside plastic sacks and containers made out of non-porous high density plastic can last for 70 years to 80 years in good brand new high quality condition. And they are all NON-GMOs AND NON-HYBRIDs which is probably why America won't allow them entry into the U.S because once the average American citizen knows that he or she has been eating food products made out of NON-GMOs AND NON-HYBRIDs grains and legumes and are starting to feel good and heathy, then Monsanto who is a huge campaign funds contributor to the DNC DEMOCRATS will be exposed for the evil corporation that it is!


Me: I believe every word, and I am *not* a gullible person!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Bankers' Dictatorship

 'Similarly, the solutions being proposed to put out the fire by those same arsonists who lit the matches today are identical to what the world faced in 1933 as a “central bankers” solution for the world depression.'



Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...

The Not-Nilc

I'm nearer to Matt's ways of thinking than most others recently:


Thursday, November 7, 2019

BIS, the Nazis and the New World Order

Of course we knew all of this, didn't we?


Here's the article he talks about (I'm very surprised to see it on ZH):


...and here's the origin of these thoughts, written in 1956:


Sixty-three years ago! Who says they don't use decade-long plans? The Totalitarian tip-toe indeed!