Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ice Age Incoming

Doesn't really matter at this stage if it's 'real' or man-made (geoengineered), we're going to have to deal with it, and soon.

Some of the comments under this video are pretty *illuminating*, including this snippet from Darthvader:

'Consideration of iron's importance to phytoplankton growth and photosynthesis dates to the 1930s when English biologist Joseph Hart speculated that the ocean's great "desolate zones" (areas apparently rich in nutrients, but lacking in plankton activity or other sea life) might be iron-deficient.[6] Little scientific discussion was recorded until the 1980s, when oceanographer John Martin renewed controversy on the topic with his marine water nutrient analyses. His studies supported Hart's hypothesis. These "desolate" regions came to be called "High Nutrient, Low Chlorophyll" (HNLC) zones.[6]

John Gribbin was the first scientist to publicly suggest that climate change could be reduced by adding large amounts of soluble iron to the oceans.[7] Martin's 1988 quip four months later at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, "Give me a half a tanker of iron and I will give you another ice age",[6][8] drove a decade of research.'

Here's part two of a three-part video:


Part one:


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