We've all heard Lagarde say it's better to have a job than savings (excuse me?), and here is Prof Farrel's take on the logical end-game, or outcome, of this policy:
NB Before you dismiss him out of hand, recall that he's an Oxford Professor of Patristics, and is not a stoopid guy!
Friday, December 6, 2019
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
"The First Thing I Would Do is Eliminate All Farm Subsidies"
This speaker, whom I've just discovered, is revolutionary! He's brilliant and inspirational - wow!
An International Blackmail Ring
As I've been saying for years, this goes right to the top, including Ted Heath, the British Royal Family, Jimmy Saville, celebrities, Hollywood, top businessmen, etc.
This, folks, is the TRUTH:
Listen and weep.
Part II:
Part III (shocking and true):
This, folks, is the TRUTH:
Listen and weep.
Part II:
Part III (shocking and true):
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Eugenics - Alive and Well II
The modus operandi of the so-called self-appointed 'élite'. But no, there's no global conspiracy! The video is from more than seven years ago, by the way:
Here's a more humorous look at the recent Californian 'wild' fires (not):
The film 'The Black Horse of Turin' is uppermost in my mind at the moment...
Here's a more humorous look at the recent Californian 'wild' fires (not):
The film 'The Black Horse of Turin' is uppermost in my mind at the moment...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
News From Russia
Here are some comments posted in the Comments' section in one of the channels I follow, written by
"In the WEST your politicians are keeping quiet on this GSM Ice Age Glacial period which is coming while in the EAST which is Russia we Russians are openly discussing it in many but discreet circles. Actually President Putin started acting on it QUIETLY and has implemented the program to further prepare for the GSM OPENLY but in a very quiet manner and IF SOMEONE ASK WHAT WE ARE DOING THEN OUR CONSTRUCTION WORKERS AND FARMERS WILL JUST SAY IT IS JUST AN IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM because we, who are in the know, just simply told them that it is just an agricultural infrastructure and technostructure retrofitting engineering program and expansion program.
So while we are IMPLEMENTING OUR GSM PREPARATION PROGRAMS IN THE OPEN the public is just simply told we are just doing an agricultural improvement program. Your Western politicians in the West, U.S and Europe, are SELFISH AND SCARED AS HELL LIKE SOYBOYS that instead of doing the right thing OPENLY WHILE EXPLAINING OPENLY TO THE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PUBLIC THE USUAL SUBTLE EXPLANATIONS THAT THEY ARE JUST IMPROVING AGRICULTURE, they instead, fatalistically, surrendered to fear that they might not succeed and kept quiet about it AND LIED TO THE PUBLIC.
But President Putin and his Russian scientific advisers and policy makers are not fatalistic, they are realistic REALISTS AND FIGHTERS! So as they struggle to restore the Russian economy, they are also preparing for the GSM and the coming Glacial Ice Age that will follow it. From the year 2000 to the year 2005 - to - 2007 we have finished all of the key critical strategic industries to meet that needs to prepare for the GSM and coming ice Age. While at the same time continuously expanding our C.O.C underground installations and facilities which are by themselves, mini-Earths having their own self-contained and close-loop food chain cycle ecosystems with their accompanying Living Machines integrating interfacing systems connecting the agricultural ecosystems and industrial ecosystems as examplified by Professor John Todd and by the Kalundsborg industrial-ecosystems. And all these was accomplished in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s up to this year 2019!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFHFQNbSP2s Dome-Shaped Greenhouse in Japan. Published on Dec 3, 2014 A 70-year-old entrepreneur is promoting the indoor, computer-assisted cultivation of vegetables to establish a business model that can draw young people back to agriculture. Takaaki Abe founded Granpa Co. in Yokohama in 2004 with the aim of using technology to develop a profitable indoor farming method. He was 61 at the time. The company makes use of specially designed dome-shaped buildings to grow its produce. Each is about 30 meters across and is equipped with an automatically rotating hydroponic water tank as well as computer systems that maintain temperature and humidity at optimum levels.
Vegetables, such as lettuce seedlings, are placed in the center of the water tanks, moving outward as they grow. By the time they reach the perimeter in 30 to 50 days, they are fully grown and ready to be dispatched to retailers. Granpa’s system is designed to minimize the need for fertilizers and other chemicals, which increases the crops’ appeal to health-conscious customers.
Japan's MILITARY hydroponics were designed to have 4 to 5 redundant systems and are modular pluggable components, their pipes can easily be replaced by sliding back an internal o-ring rubber lined connector and replaced that worn out pipe and slide back both ends with the two internal o-ring rubber lined connector and the wires are also the same for they can easily be unplugged into several segments and then adjusted or some segments are replaced and all are plugged together again as one long cable. Hyper-safety GFI circuits are placed before and after each terminal plugs and sockets and are heavily grounded.
However, what they are showing are just for the public but their REAL HYDROPONICS are based on the non-circulating and self-bioremediating hydroponic system using plants to maintain water purity and hygiene and safety and oxygenating it and are fertilized with composite rock dust powders mixtures. They use a combined but modified system of 4 hydroponic systems called as the (1) Bengal Hydroponics 1950s, (2) Mittleider Pseudo Hydroponics 1950s, (3) Wroclow Hydroponics 1950s, and the (4) Hybrid soil bed over water culture hydroponics 1920s. Combine these 4 with Professor John Todd's "LIVING MACHINES" principles, 1980s, they are able to create a passive Living Machine hydroponics system which is self-regulating and self-maintaining and all of these was for their Japanese Military Ministry Of Defense. Whatever they show to the public either in the newspapers, magazines, pocket books, mini-mags, booklets, large hard bound books, encyclopedias, and the internet are OFFICIAL information for the masses. But the UNOFFICIAL information are only for very high top ranking Japanese government officials and military officials.
And I am not going to be surprised if they have their own C.O.C program which they might have started way back in the 1960s or most probably in the early 1970s. C.O.C stands for "Continuity Of Civilization". Electrical power, heating and cooling, and ventilation are provided by their own MSR reactors already on line since the late 1980s and early 1990s to meet the needs of their Japanese military but are already connected to the civilian Japanese national power grid and are just waiting for orders to be switched on to provide electrical power when an extreme emergency comes into existence. How did I know all of these things? Simple, I was kept on being periodically re-assigned to Southeast Asia in the 1980s and 1990s and even before my retirement in 1992 at age 65, I was asked to remain to be in the service for an extended period both in the field and as a teacher for the next generation of Russian analyst intelligence officers who are now currently working for President Putin. I was finally allowed to resign 15 years later in 2007 at age 80. Japan's civilian hydroponics are in a way, partly compatible to Japanese military hydroponics but there are still vast differences."
Since the year 2000 we started a program wherein there are 3 parallel reserves. The military grain reserves. The civilian grain reserves. And the Domestic Civilian Stockpiles. Over the years we have expanded our grains and legumes production and accelerated the program after the American sanctions on Russia. Since that time up to this present year 2019 the: (1) 8 military grain reserves. (2) 8 civilian grain reserves. (3) 8 Domestic Civilian Stockpiles of which each of these reserves contains 1 billion metric tons of wheat. That totals to 24 billion metric tons of cryogenically freeze-dried wheat grains (and other grains and legumes included). (4) secondary immediate use stockpiles.
The use of rock dust powders and properly made biochar allowed higher yields to be attained. What our present Russian population is consuming are the (4) secondary immediate use stockpiles that are meant to last for 7 to 10 years or more and are added every year. The use of terraforming the arable lands to prevent flooding and to recharge the underground water aquifers by catching and impounding the flood waters into catchment infiltration basins was quietly done. Therefore in total there are 4 reserves of which 3 are not to be used except in war time and the secondary immediate use stockpiles which has been accummulating cryogenically freeze-dried grains (and other grains and legumes included). The policy to export is that once our FIRST four obligations are met, then the extra surplus (which are actually surpluses of the surpluses) are then exported.
But the Western mainstream media will not report it or under report it or mis-report it because of geopolitical power considerations from the West. Read Susan George's book "How The Other Half Dies" and you will know that world hunger is not caused by overpopulation or by natural catastrophes BUT BECAUSE OF LACK OF MISMANAGEMENT AND BY THE DELIBERATE WITHHOLDING OF CAPITAL TO SABOTAGE THAT COUNTRY'S (IES) AGRICULTURAL POTENTIAL for geopoltical and military consideration at the expense of people's lives and that of their welfare and livelihoods.
We did this 4 reserves, of the 2 reserves and 1 stockpile holding a total of 24 billion metric tons of grain and the 4th classied as secondary immediate use stockpiles holding an accummulated 15 to 17 billion metric tons over the many years, due to what happened to Stalingrad and Leningrad when starvation and famine has wrought terrible hardships and psychological stress on our people. We remember our past history and vowed to never to allow it to happen again. We still have the 70 million metric tons of wheat grain set aside to be exported to America to tide you over and which was meant to be delivered in 2018 but our offers to help you Americans were rejected by the State Department UNDER HILLARY CLINTON, A DNC DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN and kept away from President Donald Trump from knowing it.
But now, I hope through Youtube, he will know it or someone will inform him. By the way, cryogenically freeze-dried and vacuum packed and ultrasonically sealed grains or cryogenically freeze-dried and pre-vacuum prepared and nitrogen packed and ultrasonically sealed grains inside plastic sacks and containers made out of non-porous high density plastic can last for 70 years to 80 years in good brand new high quality condition. And they are all NON-GMOs AND NON-HYBRIDs which is probably why America won't allow them entry into the U.S because once the average American citizen knows that he or she has been eating food products made out of NON-GMOs AND NON-HYBRIDs grains and legumes and are starting to feel good and heathy, then Monsanto who is a huge campaign funds contributor to the DNC DEMOCRATS will be exposed for the evil corporation that it is!
Me: I believe every word, and I am *not* a gullible person!
"In the WEST your politicians are keeping quiet on this GSM Ice Age Glacial period which is coming while in the EAST which is Russia we Russians are openly discussing it in many but discreet circles. Actually President Putin started acting on it QUIETLY and has implemented the program to further prepare for the GSM OPENLY but in a very quiet manner and IF SOMEONE ASK WHAT WE ARE DOING THEN OUR CONSTRUCTION WORKERS AND FARMERS WILL JUST SAY IT IS JUST AN IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM because we, who are in the know, just simply told them that it is just an agricultural infrastructure and technostructure retrofitting engineering program and expansion program.
So while we are IMPLEMENTING OUR GSM PREPARATION PROGRAMS IN THE OPEN the public is just simply told we are just doing an agricultural improvement program. Your Western politicians in the West, U.S and Europe, are SELFISH AND SCARED AS HELL LIKE SOYBOYS that instead of doing the right thing OPENLY WHILE EXPLAINING OPENLY TO THE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PUBLIC THE USUAL SUBTLE EXPLANATIONS THAT THEY ARE JUST IMPROVING AGRICULTURE, they instead, fatalistically, surrendered to fear that they might not succeed and kept quiet about it AND LIED TO THE PUBLIC.
But President Putin and his Russian scientific advisers and policy makers are not fatalistic, they are realistic REALISTS AND FIGHTERS! So as they struggle to restore the Russian economy, they are also preparing for the GSM and the coming Glacial Ice Age that will follow it. From the year 2000 to the year 2005 - to - 2007 we have finished all of the key critical strategic industries to meet that needs to prepare for the GSM and coming ice Age. While at the same time continuously expanding our C.O.C underground installations and facilities which are by themselves, mini-Earths having their own self-contained and close-loop food chain cycle ecosystems with their accompanying Living Machines integrating interfacing systems connecting the agricultural ecosystems and industrial ecosystems as examplified by Professor John Todd and by the Kalundsborg industrial-ecosystems. And all these was accomplished in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s up to this year 2019!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFHFQNbSP2s Dome-Shaped Greenhouse in Japan. Published on Dec 3, 2014 A 70-year-old entrepreneur is promoting the indoor, computer-assisted cultivation of vegetables to establish a business model that can draw young people back to agriculture. Takaaki Abe founded Granpa Co. in Yokohama in 2004 with the aim of using technology to develop a profitable indoor farming method. He was 61 at the time. The company makes use of specially designed dome-shaped buildings to grow its produce. Each is about 30 meters across and is equipped with an automatically rotating hydroponic water tank as well as computer systems that maintain temperature and humidity at optimum levels.
Vegetables, such as lettuce seedlings, are placed in the center of the water tanks, moving outward as they grow. By the time they reach the perimeter in 30 to 50 days, they are fully grown and ready to be dispatched to retailers. Granpa’s system is designed to minimize the need for fertilizers and other chemicals, which increases the crops’ appeal to health-conscious customers.
Japan's MILITARY hydroponics were designed to have 4 to 5 redundant systems and are modular pluggable components, their pipes can easily be replaced by sliding back an internal o-ring rubber lined connector and replaced that worn out pipe and slide back both ends with the two internal o-ring rubber lined connector and the wires are also the same for they can easily be unplugged into several segments and then adjusted or some segments are replaced and all are plugged together again as one long cable. Hyper-safety GFI circuits are placed before and after each terminal plugs and sockets and are heavily grounded.
However, what they are showing are just for the public but their REAL HYDROPONICS are based on the non-circulating and self-bioremediating hydroponic system using plants to maintain water purity and hygiene and safety and oxygenating it and are fertilized with composite rock dust powders mixtures. They use a combined but modified system of 4 hydroponic systems called as the (1) Bengal Hydroponics 1950s, (2) Mittleider Pseudo Hydroponics 1950s, (3) Wroclow Hydroponics 1950s, and the (4) Hybrid soil bed over water culture hydroponics 1920s. Combine these 4 with Professor John Todd's "LIVING MACHINES" principles, 1980s, they are able to create a passive Living Machine hydroponics system which is self-regulating and self-maintaining and all of these was for their Japanese Military Ministry Of Defense. Whatever they show to the public either in the newspapers, magazines, pocket books, mini-mags, booklets, large hard bound books, encyclopedias, and the internet are OFFICIAL information for the masses. But the UNOFFICIAL information are only for very high top ranking Japanese government officials and military officials.
And I am not going to be surprised if they have their own C.O.C program which they might have started way back in the 1960s or most probably in the early 1970s. C.O.C stands for "Continuity Of Civilization". Electrical power, heating and cooling, and ventilation are provided by their own MSR reactors already on line since the late 1980s and early 1990s to meet the needs of their Japanese military but are already connected to the civilian Japanese national power grid and are just waiting for orders to be switched on to provide electrical power when an extreme emergency comes into existence. How did I know all of these things? Simple, I was kept on being periodically re-assigned to Southeast Asia in the 1980s and 1990s and even before my retirement in 1992 at age 65, I was asked to remain to be in the service for an extended period both in the field and as a teacher for the next generation of Russian analyst intelligence officers who are now currently working for President Putin. I was finally allowed to resign 15 years later in 2007 at age 80. Japan's civilian hydroponics are in a way, partly compatible to Japanese military hydroponics but there are still vast differences."
Since the year 2000 we started a program wherein there are 3 parallel reserves. The military grain reserves. The civilian grain reserves. And the Domestic Civilian Stockpiles. Over the years we have expanded our grains and legumes production and accelerated the program after the American sanctions on Russia. Since that time up to this present year 2019 the: (1) 8 military grain reserves. (2) 8 civilian grain reserves. (3) 8 Domestic Civilian Stockpiles of which each of these reserves contains 1 billion metric tons of wheat. That totals to 24 billion metric tons of cryogenically freeze-dried wheat grains (and other grains and legumes included). (4) secondary immediate use stockpiles.
The use of rock dust powders and properly made biochar allowed higher yields to be attained. What our present Russian population is consuming are the (4) secondary immediate use stockpiles that are meant to last for 7 to 10 years or more and are added every year. The use of terraforming the arable lands to prevent flooding and to recharge the underground water aquifers by catching and impounding the flood waters into catchment infiltration basins was quietly done. Therefore in total there are 4 reserves of which 3 are not to be used except in war time and the secondary immediate use stockpiles which has been accummulating cryogenically freeze-dried grains (and other grains and legumes included). The policy to export is that once our FIRST four obligations are met, then the extra surplus (which are actually surpluses of the surpluses) are then exported.
But the Western mainstream media will not report it or under report it or mis-report it because of geopolitical power considerations from the West. Read Susan George's book "How The Other Half Dies" and you will know that world hunger is not caused by overpopulation or by natural catastrophes BUT BECAUSE OF LACK OF MISMANAGEMENT AND BY THE DELIBERATE WITHHOLDING OF CAPITAL TO SABOTAGE THAT COUNTRY'S (IES) AGRICULTURAL POTENTIAL for geopoltical and military consideration at the expense of people's lives and that of their welfare and livelihoods.
We did this 4 reserves, of the 2 reserves and 1 stockpile holding a total of 24 billion metric tons of grain and the 4th classied as secondary immediate use stockpiles holding an accummulated 15 to 17 billion metric tons over the many years, due to what happened to Stalingrad and Leningrad when starvation and famine has wrought terrible hardships and psychological stress on our people. We remember our past history and vowed to never to allow it to happen again. We still have the 70 million metric tons of wheat grain set aside to be exported to America to tide you over and which was meant to be delivered in 2018 but our offers to help you Americans were rejected by the State Department UNDER HILLARY CLINTON, A DNC DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN and kept away from President Donald Trump from knowing it.
But now, I hope through Youtube, he will know it or someone will inform him. By the way, cryogenically freeze-dried and vacuum packed and ultrasonically sealed grains or cryogenically freeze-dried and pre-vacuum prepared and nitrogen packed and ultrasonically sealed grains inside plastic sacks and containers made out of non-porous high density plastic can last for 70 years to 80 years in good brand new high quality condition. And they are all NON-GMOs AND NON-HYBRIDs which is probably why America won't allow them entry into the U.S because once the average American citizen knows that he or she has been eating food products made out of NON-GMOs AND NON-HYBRIDs grains and legumes and are starting to feel good and heathy, then Monsanto who is a huge campaign funds contributor to the DNC DEMOCRATS will be exposed for the evil corporation that it is!
Me: I believe every word, and I am *not* a gullible person!
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Friday, November 15, 2019
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Bankers' Dictatorship
'Similarly, the solutions being proposed to put out the fire by
those same arsonists who lit the matches today are identical to what the
world faced in 1933 as a “central bankers” solution for the world
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...
The Not-Nilc
I'm nearer to Matt's ways of thinking than most others recently:
Thursday, November 7, 2019
BIS, the Nazis and the New World Order
Of course we knew all of this, didn't we?
Here's the article he talks about (I'm very surprised to see it on ZH):
...and here's the origin of these thoughts, written in 1956:
Sixty-three years ago! Who says they don't use decade-long plans? The Totalitarian tip-toe indeed!
Here's the article he talks about (I'm very surprised to see it on ZH):
...and here's the origin of these thoughts, written in 1956:
Sixty-three years ago! Who says they don't use decade-long plans? The Totalitarian tip-toe indeed!
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
What's more important, insects or money?
Here, Jim Rickards breaks down why 'this time it's different', and if you listen carefully @ 33m33 (nudge, nudge, wink, wink!) he admits that banks run the place:
"The next one is going to be worse than you can imagine, something we've never since, maybe the 14th century!"
Got food?
Here, Jim Rickards breaks down why 'this time it's different', and if you listen carefully @ 33m33 (nudge, nudge, wink, wink!) he admits that banks run the place:
"The next one is going to be worse than you can imagine, something we've never since, maybe the 14th century!"
Got food?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Identified...flying objects...
Another article on the subject:
Here's the Patent:
Why am I not surprised?
Another article on the subject:
Here's the Patent:
Why am I not surprised?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Who Owns the Central Banks?
Here you go, timely article:
Monday, October 21, 2019
Who Was Tim Osman?
RIP, Michael:
PS I don't normally cite VT articles, they are not always good journalists - but Michael Ruppert, well, he was different.
PS I don't normally cite VT articles, they are not always good journalists - but Michael Ruppert, well, he was different.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Solar Forcing
Here's a quick ten-minute guide:
And a longer version:
Here's a quick ten-minute guide:
And a longer version:
Pierre Jovanovic
Dans le media français, il y a ce monsieur qui explique très bien la crise financière:
Mais qui c'est? Voici un article interessant:
Où c'est écrit:
'Les actionnaires de ces banques, qui sont propriétaires des actions de la Réserve fédérale (FED), sont les gens qui ont contrôlé les destinées politiques et économiques des États-Unis, depuis 1914. Ils sont tous Juifs et Sionistes.'
...et voici le grand problème - ils ont gagné!
Mais qui c'est? Voici un article interessant:
Où c'est écrit:
'Les actionnaires de ces banques, qui sont propriétaires des actions de la Réserve fédérale (FED), sont les gens qui ont contrôlé les destinées politiques et économiques des États-Unis, depuis 1914. Ils sont tous Juifs et Sionistes.'
...et voici le grand problème - ils ont gagné!
Sunday, October 6, 2019
All the financial analysts are talking about the Fed's REPO market - which started as loans (against collateral, of course!) to failing banks.
Here, a blogger I don't have much time for (he's not honest) breaks down the Fed's latest releases of 'money', which appear to now be unlimited.
I agree with him that it's all falling apart, just not that it's good guys vs bad guys - this is *ALL* intentional, and by design:
Here are two more articles proving the point that there are failing banks:
Their objective is massive reduction in numbers.....of humans!
On the other hand, Smaulgld doesn't agree at all that it's as serious:
And here's one he did just for me!
Here, a blogger I don't have much time for (he's not honest) breaks down the Fed's latest releases of 'money', which appear to now be unlimited.
I agree with him that it's all falling apart, just not that it's good guys vs bad guys - this is *ALL* intentional, and by design:
Here are two more articles proving the point that there are failing banks:
Their objective is massive reduction in numbers.....of humans!
On the other hand, Smaulgld doesn't agree at all that it's as serious:
And here's one he did just for me!
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Here We Go...
From a blogger I respect:
'The Fed has a long history of inflating bubbles using easy liquidity and then imploding those bubbles with the tightening of credit. It also has a long history of pretending like it is trying to save the economy from crisis when it is actually the source of the crisis.'
'The Fed has a long history of inflating bubbles using easy liquidity and then imploding those bubbles with the tightening of credit. It also has a long history of pretending like it is trying to save the economy from crisis when it is actually the source of the crisis.'
Monday, September 23, 2019
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Ice Age Incoming
Doesn't really matter at this stage if it's 'real' or man-made (geoengineered), we're going to have to deal with it, and soon.
Some of the comments under this video are pretty *illuminating*, including this snippet from Darthvader:
'Consideration of iron's importance to phytoplankton growth and photosynthesis dates to the 1930s when English biologist Joseph Hart speculated that the ocean's great "desolate zones" (areas apparently rich in nutrients, but lacking in plankton activity or other sea life) might be iron-deficient.[6] Little scientific discussion was recorded until the 1980s, when oceanographer John Martin renewed controversy on the topic with his marine water nutrient analyses. His studies supported Hart's hypothesis. These "desolate" regions came to be called "High Nutrient, Low Chlorophyll" (HNLC) zones.[6]
John Gribbin was the first scientist to publicly suggest that climate change could be reduced by adding large amounts of soluble iron to the oceans.[7] Martin's 1988 quip four months later at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, "Give me a half a tanker of iron and I will give you another ice age",[6][8] drove a decade of research.'
Here's part two of a three-part video:
Part one:
Some of the comments under this video are pretty *illuminating*, including this snippet from Darthvader:
'Consideration of iron's importance to phytoplankton growth and photosynthesis dates to the 1930s when English biologist Joseph Hart speculated that the ocean's great "desolate zones" (areas apparently rich in nutrients, but lacking in plankton activity or other sea life) might be iron-deficient.[6] Little scientific discussion was recorded until the 1980s, when oceanographer John Martin renewed controversy on the topic with his marine water nutrient analyses. His studies supported Hart's hypothesis. These "desolate" regions came to be called "High Nutrient, Low Chlorophyll" (HNLC) zones.[6]
John Gribbin was the first scientist to publicly suggest that climate change could be reduced by adding large amounts of soluble iron to the oceans.[7] Martin's 1988 quip four months later at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, "Give me a half a tanker of iron and I will give you another ice age",[6][8] drove a decade of research.'
Here's part two of a three-part video:
Part one:
Sunday, September 8, 2019
'QUESTION: Who leased the World Trade Center (WTC) only seven weeks before the 9/11 attacks?
ANSWER: Larry (((Silverstein))) who explained his reason for buying the towers as follows: "I felt a compelling urge to own them." Silverstein generally had breakfast in the WTC’s "Windows on the World" restaurant every single morning. But on the morning of 9/11, he never showed up -- nor did his daughter, who worked in WTC Building 7.
QUESTION: Who authorized the lease of the WTC complex to (((Silverstein?)))
ANSWER: Lewis (((Eisenberg))), Chairman of the New York Port Authority.
Not only are all three men jewish, but they are all also prominent members of the jewish Attack Defame Lie (ADL) and the United jewish Appeal.
QUESTION: Who pushed for the privatization of the WTC?
ANSWER: Ronald S. (((Lauder,)))
a member of the board of directors of New York’s privatization committee.
Not only was Lauder the principle force behind the privatization of the WTC, but he was also responsible for the privatization of Stewart Airport, formerly Stewart AFB, in Windsor, New York. Notably, the flight-paths of flight 175 and flight 11 converged directly over this airport on the morning of 9/11.
QUESTION: Who ran security at all three airports involved in the alleged 9/11 hijackings?
ANSWER: ICTS International Huntleigh USA, which is owned by Ezra (((Harel))) and Menachem (((Atzmon))).Both men are israhelli jews.
QUESTION: Who was on board flight 11?
ANSWER: Daniel (((Lewin)))
Daniel Lewin, an Israeli Jew, who was confirmed to be a member of Israeli commando unit Sayeret Matkal, which specializes in "anti-hijack" takeovers and assassinations. Initially, Betty Ong said the passenger in his seat -- 9B -- began the hijacking by opening fire with a pistol. The story was later revised to Lewin himself being shot, and later revised again to him being stabbed.
QUESTION: Who had the contract to run security at the WTC?
ANSWER: Kroll Associates, which is owned by...Jules (((Kroll)))
QUESTION: But how could Israel disable NORAD and disrupt American air defenses?
ANSWER: Ptech Software systems – computer control backdoor
The computerized national-security systems that should have automatically scrambled jets in the event of a national emergency like 9/11 were running on Ptech software.
Michael S. (((Goff,))) Ptech’s jewish marketing manager, also worked for Israeli database company Guardium (whose director is israhelli jew Amit (((Yoran))). Guardium has all the characteristics of a mossad front company.
…and the MITRE corporation (computer software)
MITRE is a major defense contracting organization headed by former Director of Central Intelligence -- and Jew -- James Schlesinger.
Ptech and the MITRE corporation shared and office in the basement of the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) during the two years prior to 9/11, where they worked on “inter-operability issues” between the FAA, NORAD and the US Air Force.
Ptech and the MITRE software was installed on the computer systems of most U.S. government agencies, including the armed forces.
Precision guided plane anyone?
Radio control
The first plane to strike the north tower hit the computer room of the Jewish-owned Kroll Associates (Managing Director, Jerome M. (((Hauer))), the same company made responsible for building security after the 1993 WTC bomb attack.
QUESTION: Did the office possibly contain a homing beacon? Who could possibly remote control planes into the towers?
ANSWER: Dov (((Zakheim)))
Dov Zakheim's System Planning Corporation System Planning Corporation (SPC) specializes in remote airplane control technology.
SPC provides flight-termination systems and command-transmitter systems -- exactly the kind of technologies that would allow planes to be taken over and flown by remote control should the pilots be incapacitated or the plane hijacked.
QUESTION: Who quickly shipped all the WTC scrap metal overseas?
ANSWER: Alan D. (((Ratner’s))) Metals Management and the SIMS group. Ratner sold over 50,000 tons of steel -- evidence from the crime scene -- to a Chinese company at $120 per ton, when Ratner had obtained them for $70 per ton. Ratner is jewish.
In fact, a quick glance at the facts will reveal that the entire 9/11 investigation was in jewish hands from the very beginning.
ews who were appointed the chief judges in the case:
Alvin K. (((Hellerstein,))) a judge for the US District
Court for the Southern District of New York. Hellerstein has been involved in several high-profile 9/11-related cases, including cases against the three airlines, ICTS International, Pinkerton's airport security, the WTC owners, and Boeing.
Michael B. (((Mukasey)))
Michael B. Mukasey, the Jewish judge that oversaw the litigation between Larry Silverstein and insurance companies in the wake of 9/11. Mukasey saw to it that fellow Jew Silverstein was awarded billions of dollars.
Michael Chertoff, (jewish)
Kenneth (((Feinberg,))) who set up the victims’ compensation fund ($7 billion). Some 97 percent of victims’ relatives were coerced into taking the payoff in exchange for waiving their right to demand a legal investigation of 9/11. (The rest had to deal with “special mediator,” Jewess Sheila Birnbaum.)
Benjamin (((Chertoff,))) the first cousin of Michael Chertoff, wrote the 9/11 hit piece in Popular Mechanics debunking “9/11 conspiracy theories.”
Stephen (((Cauffman,))) point-man on the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) cover-up of the WTC 7 controlled demolition. NIST continues to maintain that fire alone brought down WTC 7.
QUESTION: Who wrote the patently fraudulent 9/11 omission report?
ANSWER: Philip (((zelikow))) (jewish US-israhelli dual citizen)
zelikow's staff publicly stated that zelikow handed them what would be the final draft the first day they met, before the "investigation" had even started.
QUESTION: Were jews or Israhelli's forewarned of the attacks on 9/11?
ANSWER: YES. israeli instant messaging company Odigo admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impeding attack a full two hours before the first plane struck the north tower.
Inexplicably, the warning was never passed on to authorities.
One feature of Odigo’s instant messaging service allows messages to be sent out based solely on recipients’ nationality. It is worth noting that, out of the roughly 4000 israeli Jews believed to have worked in the WTC, only ONE died on 9/11.
Odigo has offices in New York, and in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya is the headquarters of Mossad.
Odigo was later bought up by another Israeli telecom company, Comverse. The former CEO of Comverse, Kobi Alexander, is a "dual" Israeli-US citizen with longtime associations with Israeli intelligence. He has also been charged on several counts of fraud.
Question: Who was related to one of the "alleged" 9/11 hijackers?
NYT: israhelli spy in Lebanon is cousin of alleged 9/11 hijacker.
Ziad Jarrah's cousin, Ali Al Jarrah, was discovered by Lebanese authorities of being a Mossad Spy for 25 years. Cohencidence?
Al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn (a.k.a. Pearlman) is scion of jevvish ADL,
Even the (jevvish-run) mainstream media now admits that ‘Adam Ghadan’ -- an ‘Al-Qaeda’ spokesman known for making absurd calls-to-arms against ‘infidels’ and zio-Crusaders -- is, in fact, the grandson of a prominent board member of the jevvish Anti-Defamation League:
The Los Angeles Times: ‘Gadahn's grandfather was Dr. Carl K. Pearlman, a well-known Orange County urologist who died in 1998.
Haaretz: ‘Gadahn's grandfather was well-known urologist Carl Pearlman, an active member of the jevvish community in Orange County California.’
The Orange County Register (2006): Carl Pearlman’s activism included ‘serving as the first local chairman of the Bonds for isrhaell campaign and then as chairman of the United jevvish Welfare Fund. He was on the board of the Anti-Defamation League (Attack Defame Lie)
israhell caught creating fake Al Qaeda shortly after 9/11:
First Ariel Sharon attempts to spew propaganda that he thinks Palestine is harboring "Al Qaeda" so as to justify attacks on it...
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ... said that al-Qaeda militants were operating in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon. "We know that they are there. We know that they are in Lebanon, working closely with Hezbollah. We know that they are in the region," he said. BBC News 12/5/2002
Then Palestinian officials arrested the fake "al qaeda" poseurs who were actually mossad agents.
"Officials from the Palestinian Authority have accused the israhelli spy agency mossad of setting up a fake al-Qaeda terrorist cell in Gaza. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said that Israel had set up the mock cell in order to justify attacks in Palestinian areas." [BBC News - 12/8/2002]
israhelli espionage around 9/11:
Shortly before 9/11, over 140 israhellis were arrested for suspected espionage, with many of them posing as art students. The suspects had targeted or penetrated military bases, the DEA, FBI, Secret Service, ATF, US Customs, IRS, INS, EPA, Interior Dept., US Marshal’s Service, various U.S. attorneys’ offices, secret government offices and even the unlisted, private homes of law enforcement/intelligence officials. Most of the suspects served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units.
Dozens of israhellis were arrested in American malls kiosks selling toys, acting as a front for a spying operation. 60 detained suspects worked for the Israeli company AMDOCS which provides most directory assistance calls and almost call records and billings services for the US by virtue of its contracts with the 25 largest telephone companies in the US.'
This is a comment under this video by James Corbett:
Also, added on 16th Sept:
Thursday, August 8, 2019
VLF, Plasma and Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors
Listen to the first thirty minutes of this video, but be careful your jaw doesn't hit the table:
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Peak Global Food
John Casey paid a high price for trying to get the message out a year ago.
Despite the interviewers' desire to make light of his message, Mr Casey hits it out of the ball-park in this interview:
And of course this interview was recorded way before the huge crop losses experienced this Summer in the mid-west of the US. None of which is being reported in Europe, of course.
Got food?
Despite the interviewers' desire to make light of his message, Mr Casey hits it out of the ball-park in this interview:
And of course this interview was recorded way before the huge crop losses experienced this Summer in the mid-west of the US. None of which is being reported in Europe, of course.
Got food?
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Tax Exempt Foundations
A bit too late now to do anything about it, but here's some background:
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Weather Modification
I just had this exchange with a friend on FB who goes by the name of 'a microwaved planet':
His answer: 'Yes'.
And here Jim Lee gives a boat-load of info on weather modification, and as usual, he gives you the links, the facts and not the fear-porn:
NB It includes the location of the ionospheric heaters!
Hi! Here in the Pyrenees, cool, damp misty days are interspersed with blue sky very hot days. It doesn't feel normal, do you think it could be ionospheric heaters microwaving us? I don't get 'tanned' and it feels all wrong. Tks!
His answer: 'Yes'.
And here Jim Lee gives a boat-load of info on weather modification, and as usual, he gives you the links, the facts and not the fear-porn:
NB It includes the location of the ionospheric heaters!
Monday, June 17, 2019
The 'Clown News Network' gets called out. Finally, some cynicism of what has been pushed down our throats for decades now. Glad to see some people waking up:
NB Hat-Tip Deanna - thanks!
NB Hat-Tip Deanna - thanks!
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Black Swans Again
Chris feels the same and I do - the next black swan is on the horizon, and we'll enter into a 'before' and 'after' stage in our lives. Got food?
I watched Chris' 'Crash Course' years ago, and there was so much logic, that I've been a fan of his ever since. Here's an accelerated version:
I watched Chris' 'Crash Course' years ago, and there was so much logic, that I've been a fan of his ever since. Here's an accelerated version:
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
SIFIs or Mafia Dons?
You decide. Grab a big glass of wine and have a listen:
Quote @ 41m in: " The Central Banks have been made independent from Governments, globally."
and @ 43m in: "The tendency is for Central Banks to grab more and more power.....but even when they understand what I'm saying, it (reform) was not happening....(because) of resistance at the top level....because vested interests are very entrenched and they can play the politicians and make sure that things are being immunised from change....".
We should be shocked and shares in pitchfork manufacturers should go through the roof!
Quote @ 41m in: " The Central Banks have been made independent from Governments, globally."
and @ 43m in: "The tendency is for Central Banks to grab more and more power.....but even when they understand what I'm saying, it (reform) was not happening....(because) of resistance at the top level....because vested interests are very entrenched and they can play the politicians and make sure that things are being immunised from change....".
We should be shocked and shares in pitchfork manufacturers should go through the roof!
Sunday, June 9, 2019
The New Multilateralism
'...there is a globalist controlled central bank in almost every nation in
the world, including supposedly anti-globalist countries in the East
like Russia and China. All of these central banks are coordinated
through the Bank For International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.
The globalists covertly dictate the economic policy of nearly the entire
planet. They can easily create an economic collapse anytime they wish.
This is a fact.'
'Central banks, most importantly the Fed, are no longer propping up the system; the life support has been pulled and the parts of the economy that have been dependent are taking their last breaths.'
from the same Author:
Can we say 'plausible deniability'?
'Central banks, most importantly the Fed, are no longer propping up the system; the life support has been pulled and the parts of the economy that have been dependent are taking their last breaths.'
from the same Author:
Can we say 'plausible deniability'?
Friday, June 7, 2019
Federal Reserve Strategy
From one of my favourite historians:
Here's the other - oldie but goodie - series he talks about:
Here's the other - oldie but goodie - series he talks about:
I read about this a while ago, but it's worth repeating:
On the bright side, a global collapse of everything should save us from this new dystopian future:
Silver lining an' all that...
On the bright side, a global collapse of everything should save us from this new dystopian future:
Silver lining an' all that...
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Anyone Remember 'Food Miles'?
There was a time when we were being persuaded to stop buying food from the other side of the world. Then someone decided that irrational consumerism was the best way to save the planet's resources. And here we are today.
Fascinating map here, showing how far food travels:
I've got one thing to say: 'Just in time delivery system'!
Fascinating map here, showing how far food travels:
I've got one thing to say: 'Just in time delivery system'!
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Global Dimming
And while we're at it, here's 100+ years of geoengineering Patents (click on each one to see the document):
Another interesting reflection from Prof J Farrell:
And while we're at it, here's 100+ years of geoengineering Patents (click on each one to see the document):
Another interesting reflection from Prof J Farrell:
Plasma Physics
I've sent these documents to a Physicist friend. Crickets.
Just for the record, they've been working on this for decades, and as usual the military top-secret technology comes down to us little people in dribs and drabs.
etc, etc
Just for the record, they've been working on this for decades, and as usual the military top-secret technology comes down to us little people in dribs and drabs.
etc, etc
Monday, June 3, 2019
Missing $21 Trillion
I don't like Greg Hunter's political views, and some of his guests are pure charlatans (see previous entries!), and even here, I've got a few reservations about CAF, but you can't deny that this interview is chock full of relevant, vital data about the depths of the problem. Have a listen:
NB I'm suspicious of her mentioning Trump's 'assassination', as if trying to enter it into our consciousness. Could even happen today...but it's all part of the plan, and I for one won't be running around screaming "the sky is falling! the sky is falling!". That's exactly what they want us to do.
NB I'm suspicious of her mentioning Trump's 'assassination', as if trying to enter it into our consciousness. Could even happen today...but it's all part of the plan, and I for one won't be running around screaming "the sky is falling! the sky is falling!". That's exactly what they want us to do.
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Carbon-Based Life Forms
In this sometimes annoying four-way conversation, James Corbett hits it out of the ball-park again with his wealth of knowledge, including mentioning the Eugenicists *actual* words, written in their little-distributed projections:
And here's the book, free to read:
Wherein they actually state: "The threat of global warming would fit the bill, to make humanity the enemy of man..."
! ! ! !
More from James on this:
And here's the book, free to read:
Wherein they actually state: "The threat of global warming would fit the bill, to make humanity the enemy of man..."
! ! ! !
More from James on this:
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Blacks Swans
Well, let's see, they've lined them all up nicely, haven't they? Any number of these events can/could make the great crash happen, and in the fog of confusion and chaos, hardly anyone in the future will be able to point the finger correctly at the *real* reason. Just as TPTB like it, so that they can come along later and re-write history.
So, what could possibly go wrong?
* Deutsche Bank
* Iran
* North Korea
* Brexit
* Yellow Vests
* US/China Trade wars
* Coming Ice Age (including added earthquakes)
* Climate Change
* Trump (including 'assassination')
* Mass Migration
...etc, etc, etc.
And here, unbelievably, two of the biggest hoaxers on the whole internet (and that's saying something!) try to tell us that what's coming is God's Will, Biblical prophecy and a Judgement on us all:
Shame on them both, and if there *is* a God, may he/she bring Judgement down heavily upon them. Amen.
So, what could possibly go wrong?
* Deutsche Bank
* Iran
* North Korea
* Brexit
* Yellow Vests
* US/China Trade wars
* Coming Ice Age (including added earthquakes)
* Climate Change
* Trump (including 'assassination')
* Mass Migration
...etc, etc, etc.
And here, unbelievably, two of the biggest hoaxers on the whole internet (and that's saying something!) try to tell us that what's coming is God's Will, Biblical prophecy and a Judgement on us all:
Shame on them both, and if there *is* a God, may he/she bring Judgement down heavily upon them. Amen.
Commodity Swaps and Crypto Currencies
This interview, which I must have posted when it first came out, might make more sense now, 18 months down the line, where the chaos has been ramped up to near-hysteria. You have to understand the levels to which TPTB will go to in order not to lose control of their system:
Lynette Zang has not done an interview as interesting since then, although she *knows* what it happening. Maybe she got 'the call'?
Lynette Zang has not done an interview as interesting since then, although she *knows* what it happening. Maybe she got 'the call'?
Friday, May 24, 2019
New Financial System from Space
Well we've been watching this slowly put in place, haven't we? Once the satellites have been put in place and tested, they can then 'crash' the terrestrial systems and 'voilà!', complete control:
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
One Eye
I've had a lot of run-ins with this Author, and he speaks with forked tongue, but it's an interesting article nonetheless:
Friday, May 10, 2019
False Flag Saturday?
Tomorrow is the Eleventh, and they do love their special dates, don't they?
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Sunday, April 28, 2019
How Is Money Created?
Again, for those bringing up the rear:
Top Bankers are liars. Deal with it.
Top Bankers are liars. Deal with it.
Negative Interest Rates
Some harsh realities here, but you'd better wake up to their tricks soon!
Difficult to believe that the IMF actually *believe* what they say here, surely a ten year-old could tell you it's not possible to have infinite growth?
Difficult to believe that the IMF actually *believe* what they say here, surely a ten year-old could tell you it's not possible to have infinite growth?
From the IMF Paper in this link:
'How low can you go?
In a cashless world, there would be no lower bound on interest rates. A central bank could reduce the policy rate from, say, 2 percent to minus 4 percent to counter a severe recession. The interest rate cut would transmit to bank deposits, loans, and bonds. Without cash, depositors would have to pay the negative interest rate to keep their money with the bank, making consumption and investment more attractive. This would jolt lending, boost demand, and stimulate the economy.'
Me: Re their last sentence, er, no, it won't.
'How low can you go?
In a cashless world, there would be no lower bound on interest rates. A central bank could reduce the policy rate from, say, 2 percent to minus 4 percent to counter a severe recession. The interest rate cut would transmit to bank deposits, loans, and bonds. Without cash, depositors would have to pay the negative interest rate to keep their money with the bank, making consumption and investment more attractive. This would jolt lending, boost demand, and stimulate the economy.'
Me: Re their last sentence, er, no, it won't.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Distractions Galore!
Blimey, you could easily be forgiven for getting side-tracked or distracted, with all the chaos going on globally! Bombs, Fires, Floods, Droughts, Pestilence, Disease and Famine.
However, we're moving steadily and stealthily into Endgame now, which is the crash of the banks with almost perfect plausible deniability, together with a global cry of "Who could have known?".
Well I know, and William knows. Here's his latest newsletter:
However, we're moving steadily and stealthily into Endgame now, which is the crash of the banks with almost perfect plausible deniability, together with a global cry of "Who could have known?".
Well I know, and William knows. Here's his latest newsletter:
Dear readers,
I want to take this issue of my complimentary newsletter to present an excerpt from my book, The Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century. The book traces American history from roughly the 1860’s Civil War through to the present, showing how, step-by-careful-step, the powerful international banks and their allies in Congress moved to de facto transform the United States from a national economy and a political system responsive to its citizens to one responsive to those Gods of Money and their private interests. Anyone wishing to better understand the problems of America today should examine that monetary history as what it has been-- a political bankers’ coup.
Here in what follows from the book we go into the actions of the Federal Reserve System and specifically the long-serving chairman Alan Greenspan, to give a case example of precisely how the Fed directly controls just when they will create a market crash to serve the interests of Wall Street. This is one of the most well-hidden purposes of the Fed, very much why it was created by Wall Street in 1913 in the first place.
In late 2018 US President Trump quite accurately identified Fed interest rate policy as deliberately causing economic and financial weakness with repeated rate hikes. That sent shock waves as a President broke a tabu, and accurately called out the Fed game. The selection below will give a better context to grasp how major that intervention by the President was.
If you find this excerpt interesting, consider buying the book, The Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century. As well I would be delighted if you consider a support via PayPal on my homepage so that I am able to continue to offer my content, especially now with looming EU and US censorship laws or actions on Internet content and the infringement of political free speech for independent researchers as myself.
Best regards
F. William Engdahl
PS You'll have to sign up to the Newsletter to get the very interesting excerpt from his book, about how Greenspan set this all up. Fascinating stuff! These people plan decades in advance, otherwise known as the totalitarian tip-toe.
I want to take this issue of my complimentary newsletter to present an excerpt from my book, The Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century. The book traces American history from roughly the 1860’s Civil War through to the present, showing how, step-by-careful-step, the powerful international banks and their allies in Congress moved to de facto transform the United States from a national economy and a political system responsive to its citizens to one responsive to those Gods of Money and their private interests. Anyone wishing to better understand the problems of America today should examine that monetary history as what it has been-- a political bankers’ coup.
Here in what follows from the book we go into the actions of the Federal Reserve System and specifically the long-serving chairman Alan Greenspan, to give a case example of precisely how the Fed directly controls just when they will create a market crash to serve the interests of Wall Street. This is one of the most well-hidden purposes of the Fed, very much why it was created by Wall Street in 1913 in the first place.
In late 2018 US President Trump quite accurately identified Fed interest rate policy as deliberately causing economic and financial weakness with repeated rate hikes. That sent shock waves as a President broke a tabu, and accurately called out the Fed game. The selection below will give a better context to grasp how major that intervention by the President was.
If you find this excerpt interesting, consider buying the book, The Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century. As well I would be delighted if you consider a support via PayPal on my homepage so that I am able to continue to offer my content, especially now with looming EU and US censorship laws or actions on Internet content and the infringement of political free speech for independent researchers as myself.
Best regards
F. William Engdahl
PS You'll have to sign up to the Newsletter to get the very interesting excerpt from his book, about how Greenspan set this all up. Fascinating stuff! These people plan decades in advance, otherwise known as the totalitarian tip-toe.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Back in Black
I've never heard or seen this commentator before, but I was blown away by his erudition in this interview:
Here's Part 2:
As he says, our 'masters' are not that intelligent, but it's just that we're letting them have control over us. So where is the problem?
Here he is again, being intelligent:
Here's Part 2:
As he says, our 'masters' are not that intelligent, but it's just that we're letting them have control over us. So where is the problem?
Here he is again, being intelligent:
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Chemtrails From Space
An amazing in-depth presentation from Jim about the sounding rockets delivering TMA, Barium and Strontium into our ionosphere:
Nothing to see here, folks, move along!
Nothing to see here, folks, move along!
Friday, April 5, 2019
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
It's getting dangerous out there, and all will soon change. "Welcome to the great game":
Thursday, March 21, 2019
History of Geoengineering and 5G
A real pity about the inane interviewers, but in this interview Jim Lee gives a complete run-down of the geoengineering history, raising some incredible and almost unbelievable information - but as he says, it's all documented on his website.
Towards the end he also talks inelligently about 5G, wifi and EMPs.
Towards the end he also talks inelligently about 5G, wifi and EMPs.
The Real Reason for the American Revolution
Of course, no-one will believe it, and we're just about to go into the same old, same old, rinse and repeat blood on the streets, pennies on the dollar depression:
Who could have known, right?
Who could have known, right?
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Monday, March 4, 2019
The Coming Ice Age
Real or created?
Cui Bono?
Gee, lots of volcanoes going off recently...
Meet the psychopaths! He thinks soooooo much of himself, and the sychophantic audience doesn't help:
Cui Bono?
Gee, lots of volcanoes going off recently...
Meet the psychopaths! He thinks soooooo much of himself, and the sychophantic audience doesn't help:
Friday, February 22, 2019
Dot Connecting
....by someone who was much ridiculed back then. In this old interview from 2010, he connects all the dots about how the control grid works and who pulls the strings:
NB It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this video disappears soon. He speaks too much truth. This was made *way* before the GiletJaunes.....
PS This *isn't* the original video that I posted! My computer is very, very slow and somehow this other video was put up as my link! I've also lost all of my bookmarks!
NB It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this video disappears soon. He speaks too much truth. This was made *way* before the GiletJaunes.....
PS This *isn't* the original video that I posted! My computer is very, very slow and somehow this other video was put up as my link! I've also lost all of my bookmarks!
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Thought provoking, as ever, with great comments too:
Monday, February 18, 2019
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
The Coming Global Crash
Some excellent information here, where she answers questions very frankly, and in a language easy to understand. There are no more excuses!
Monday, February 11, 2019
Global Dimming By Design
Dave and Jim and Dutch are *all* trying to urgently tell us what is going to happen, and soon, too.
Listen carefully, with an ability to translate what he is saying to what he is *trying* to say:
Listen carefully, with an ability to translate what he is saying to what he is *trying* to say:
Owning The Weather Revisited
Well I've been tracking weather modification for well over ten years now. Here the drawl-voiced Jim Lee gives the low-down on what's going on in our atmosphere, our ionosphere and in outer space. You've got to hear it to believe it, but as he says, unfortunately it's all true:
NB He says he's friends with David Dubyne of Adapt 2030, who is also warning us that things are going to get crazy, and soon. I'm ready, are you?
NB He says he's friends with David Dubyne of Adapt 2030, who is also warning us that things are going to get crazy, and soon. I'm ready, are you?
Friday, February 8, 2019
Population Reduction With Plausible Deniability
People think the Eugenics Party disappeared. It didn't, it went underground but set to work through the Corporations, starting in earnest after the Second World War, but really getting into high gear recently. Here's how:
1 Fluoride: toothpaste, water supply
2 Triclosan: toothpaste
3 Sodium Laurel Sulphate: toothpaste, soaps etc.
4 Pertetrafluoroethylen: shaving foam (at least)
5 BPA toilet paper, till receipt, ATM receipt
6 Teflon: cookware, clothing
7 Margarine: mixed with copper and nickel
8 Hydrogenated fat: processed food
9 Phthalates: plastic wrap
10 Perfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFCs)
11 GMO: food
12 Hydrofluorocarbons: propellants ie asthma inhalers
13 High Fructose Corn Syrup: food
14 Aspartame: drinks
15 Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA): food
16 MSG : food
17 Potassium Bromate: flour
18 aluminium: flour
19 polysorbate 80: vaxs
20 aluminium Chlorohydrate: deodorants roll on and spray
21 nagalase: vaxs
22 formaldehyde: vaxs
23 mercury (thimerosol) vaxs
24 invetro green monkey cells: vaxs
25 glyphosate : food, nappies
26 Sodium nitrate: processed meat Linked to cancer in humans.
27 Sulfites: keep food fresh. Can cause breathing difficulties.
28 Azodicarbonamide: Used in bagels and buns. Causes asthma.
29 Potassium bromate: bread.
30 Propyl gallate: fat-containing products.
31 BHA/BHT: A fat preservative.
32 Propylene glycol: Better known as antifreeze. Dairy products.
33 Disodium guanylate: flour, enriched starch.
34 Recombinant Bovine Growth
35 Sodium benzoate: preservative
36 Brominated vegetable oil: Bromate is a poison and causes organ damage and birth defects.
37 Propyl gallate: Found in meats, popcorn, soup mixes etc.
38 Olestra: Fat-like substance that is unabsorbed by the body.
39 Polysorbate 60: A thickener that is used in baked goods.
40 Magnesium sulphate: tofu
41 Chlorine dioxide: flour
42 Parabens: foods, soaps etc.
43 Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose: salad thickener.
44 Titanium Dioxide: processed foods, medicines.
45 Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid: more fluoro tripe.
Unashamedly cut & pasted from a Comment in this post:
Chaos navigator indeed.
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Geoengineering Patents
Going back to 1891. Read it and weep. It has been man's dream for millennia, to control the weather. Unfortunately, most people can't grasp the enormity of this:
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Profiting from Chaos
Most people will think the banks crashed in 2019 because of the global chaos, but a few of us know that the chaos was arranged, organised and orchestrated in order to crash the banks and move over to the new currency system, which are, of course, the cryptos.
Luckily I'm in good company - you just need to listen to the first two minutes of Lynette Zang's latest video:
For example, here's a chart of the US banks, which were once quite diverse, but with the years and the 'unforeseen' financial problems, they ended up being consolidated into just four banks:
All of which got bailed out by the US tax-payer in 2008, of course. That money went into their pockets, and they were able to buy up the world in the last ten years, and the situation now is much, much worse than then.
Who could have known, right?
Luckily I'm in good company - you just need to listen to the first two minutes of Lynette Zang's latest video:
For example, here's a chart of the US banks, which were once quite diverse, but with the years and the 'unforeseen' financial problems, they ended up being consolidated into just four banks:
All of which got bailed out by the US tax-payer in 2008, of course. That money went into their pockets, and they were able to buy up the world in the last ten years, and the situation now is much, much worse than then.
Who could have known, right?
Thursday, January 24, 2019
How It Is
A fellow blogger whom I respect, Brandon Smith, has been writing very good articles for years, connecting all the dots. A while ago I sent him my 'How it happened' article from four years ago.
Here, he writes an article which pulls it all together, and once you open your mind and eyes, and look around you, you'll see that this is pretty much what's going on:
And this other article of his needs to be read in conjunction:
Brandon's possibly too polite to mention the massive mafia-esque criminality that has enabled these efforts, with the on-the-ground destruction of communities going hand-in-hand with these macro moves. I've sadly watched it with my own eyes, and they'll get their way, just as Bush said they would.
Here, he writes an article which pulls it all together, and once you open your mind and eyes, and look around you, you'll see that this is pretty much what's going on:
And this other article of his needs to be read in conjunction:
Brandon's possibly too polite to mention the massive mafia-esque criminality that has enabled these efforts, with the on-the-ground destruction of communities going hand-in-hand with these macro moves. I've sadly watched it with my own eyes, and they'll get their way, just as Bush said they would.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Well yes, it's still going on. To quote George Carlin: "No-one seems to notice, no-one seems to care".
Except these two brilliant bloggers - bravo to them for having their knowledge, their eloquence and for continuing to put it out there, despite the dangers:
It's packed with good info, but especially shocking from about minute 34.
And here's another excellent (and even more shocking) interview by the same video maker, where his interviewee actually geoengineers the geoengineering! You couldn't make this stuff up!
Except these two brilliant bloggers - bravo to them for having their knowledge, their eloquence and for continuing to put it out there, despite the dangers:
It's packed with good info, but especially shocking from about minute 34.
And here's another excellent (and even more shocking) interview by the same video maker, where his interviewee actually geoengineers the geoengineering! You couldn't make this stuff up!
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Getting Ready for Martial Law
In this ten minute bill, introduced by a Tory Armed Forces PM, he asks for a Bill to be introduced whereby British Forces are *not* held accountable for their actions - abroad, and no doubt at home:
PS You have to be fluent in doublespeak to understand what he's actually saying.
Martial Law here we come, then! Where else have I seen unaccountable murders being carried out by Armed Forces? Oh yes, Israel.
PS You have to be fluent in doublespeak to understand what he's actually saying.
Martial Law here we come, then! Where else have I seen unaccountable murders being carried out by Armed Forces? Oh yes, Israel.
Basel III Rules
This paper, written in 2010, says the Banks have until 2019 to implement the changes proposed. Judging by the amount of calls for complete financial collapse, these rules either haven't been implemented, or aren't enough. They are due to be brought in at the end of March. Looks like collapse, then.
I really do pity those people who are already subject to this new - untested - technology. Let's try to stop it being rolled out more:
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