Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Special Purpose Vehicles

They've made it soooo complicated, but it still boils down to buying up the world!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Debt Jubilees

Interesting video from Prof J Farrell here, where he notes that Germany is starting to push back against the rights of the ECB to initiate QE, by a 7-1 vote in the German Constitutional Court. Incidentally, QE1 was the reason I started this blog, in 2008, as I realised that we had just gone off the deep end of alchemy in the financial world, taking into account EROI, etc.

This segues quite nicely into the interview with Jim Sinclair that I posted a few days ago, where he talked about debt jubilees. (Demand Destruction).

My personal opinion is that using the perennial Hegelian dialectic they (who shall not be named for the moment, but we have the names, just getting the addresses) can turn this whole 'global pandemic' farce around within a few months - maybe years if they really want to depopulate us - and we'll set off on another hundred years of usury, whilst they disappear back into the shadows.

They said as much on their website!

Think blockchain and satellites...

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Contact Tracing

The totalitarian tip-toe indeed! Getting the National Guard in to help in contact tracing - in the US, but next Europe and then the world. Nothing to see here, folks! I've heard the salary is really good!

As Vinny says: "Quarantine.....otherwise known as Martial Law!".

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Stockholm Syndrome

Exactly what I've thought from the beginning - I have not been able to understand for 40 years why people still trust their Governments.

Here's a British mathematician looking at the figures that the W.H.O.had in March 2020, *before* they sent us all into lockdown. Looks like there was another agenda here - maybe someone wanted to crash the global economy?

As he says in his presentation, it is *fraud* and the Lawyers will have a field day! He invites Americans to contact their Lawyers and the FBI.

The last few pages are the best, especially Page 176 ! Wow!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Demand Destruction - Writ Large!

And how! Of course the virus caught us all completely off-guard (yeah, right), but because of it, the financial system was saved from complete melt-down!

Phew! Amazing timing, what what!

Until this 'Certificate of Vaccination ID' thing appeared, I was closely watching the REPO market and warning everyone around me that the financial system was imploding. Seems Jim agrees with me. 

Europeans will have to excuse the crass nature of Greg Hunter and the naked self-publicising of Jim's new venture, mentioned at the end. That should NOT detract from the overall message, which I believe to be spot on!

NB I'm often puzzled by the inability of Americans to say 'escape' - they often says 'exscape' - why is that? Often they say 'aks' instead of 'ask' too. Odd. He can't say 'crypto' either.


This is one great journalist:

 Part  2:

Should we be worried? Short answer: Yes!

Occular CV

From Quinn:

15,2 k abonnés Ty5 is a relative of the Retroviridae family of retroviruses, which includes the human pathogen HIV. Ty5 is a tractable system in which to study the biology of retrovirus. Budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) are two popular model organisms for virus research. They are natural hosts for viruses as they carry their own indigenous viruses. Both yeasts have been used for studies of plant, animal and human viruses. Many positive sense (+) RNA viruses and some DNA viruses replicate with various levels in yeasts, thus allowing study of those viral activities during viral life cycle. Yeasts are single cell eukaryotic organisms. Hence, many of the fundamental cellular functions such as cell cycle regulation or programed cell death are highly conserved from yeasts to higher eukaryotes. Therefore, they are particularly suited to study the impact of those viral activities on related cellular activities during virus-host interactions. 
He says it'll either kill you or re-programme you! Yikes!