Saturday, October 15, 2011

Monsanto - Truth Emerges

I found this from a commenter on Max Keiser's site. Link to be provided soon:

'The outrage at Monsanto’s “Frankifood Seeds” is growing exponentially! It is Global Genocide! and Monsanto know full well they are killing their victims/customers. The unequivocal evidence is not from wacky fringe science either! It is from Government Laboratories! yet Government know they can;t challenge a Corporate Giant like Monsanto!

“Teams of medical researchers in Parkville, Australia and in Albany, Ohio have identified specific proteins present in Monsanto GMO grains. These engineered proteins trigger gluten sensitivity and can instigate celiac disease. Internationally, we have been experiencing epidemic levels of gluten intolerance: over 40% – virtually half the US population – now cannot metabolize gluten. Celiac disease affects one in 133 Americans. If untreated, celiac is potentially fatal. According to CD support groups and information agencies, about 3 million Americans currently have CD, 97% of whom remain undiagnosed; moreover, 30% of the population has the genetic makeup predisposing towards CD. There is no drug which can treat CD. Meanwhile, we are seeing large numbers of infants already suffering from GERD. This breakdown of normal human digestion is directly attributable to the tampering with nature instigated Monsanto: this is clear from the studies mentioned below.

The research team at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Australia identified three proteins present in grains patented by Monsanto as disruptive to metabolic pathways, and as interfering with nearly all systems of the human body, generating inflammation and immune dysfunction. What the genetically engineered proteins do is disrupt inter-cellular communication: they prevent cells communicating with each other intelligently, as nature intended. The scrambling of this natural communication causes inflammation and disease….”

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