Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Drinking Water out of Ditch Water
Iceland Recognises Palestine

Power Cuts
And here's Michael Ruppert's take on a Daily Telegraph article which misses the point:
The point is (obviously) that we're all assuming that today's increasing use of energy is infinite............which it isn't.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Syria: Towards WWIII?
Here's Medvedev's speech (in Russian!):
Another good article on these political games:
Here's what Webster Tarpley has to say - and he's someone I trust:
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
NATO try it again in Syria!
(excuse the inane advert at the beginning, cannot avoid.)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
War Crimes Tribunal for Blair
And here's the result:
Ralph Nader
Truth About Greece and Derivatives
This is a quote from:
A wonderful piece, full of top-notch information for anyone who wants to understand the domino effect that is in full swing.
Monday, November 21, 2011
MF Global
PS I don't think 'commingling' would be the way to spell this word!
European Bank Runs...
Max Keiser
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Webster Tarpley
Background reading: (from 1996)
Weather modification/Geoengineering:
Max Keiser!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Quote of the Day
i.e.: cock-up theory or conspiracy?
John Perkins
Check out YouTube for videos from his 'Economic Hitman' book. He's a hand-wringing apologist for the corrupt elite, but at least he tells us how it's done. No excuses now not to know...
MF Global
Here's the systemic crisis we've been predicting for some time:
PS If you think this is way-off, let's talk in a few weeks, and I'll say I'm wrong, if I'm wrong.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Kyle Bass
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Silver Bears 8
(the voices are disguised to protect the provider of the information. Info re Papademos and Mario has already been posted here, and it looks like they are moving in fast!).
High Frequency Trading
Monday, November 14, 2011
The Nuclear Industry
Chomsky in Australia
Iran & IAEA Propaganda
Greek Referendum
It's interesting to read with the benefit of hind-sight, given the swiftness with which the 'EU' moved to depose Papandreau after this referendum idea, and who they replaced him with (see this blog). Now same is happening to Italy, etc, etc. Serious stuff.
I'll be looking out for Jane's next piece with interest.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Chris Hedges on Occupy Wall Street
Petro Dollars Explained
Thus the fate of Saddam Hussein (tried to move Iraqi oil out of dollar; Ghaddafi (tried to sell Libyan oil in currency other than dollar) and Iran (opened an oil bourse in currencies other than dollar).
New Global Currency?
And this from a Max Keiser commenter:
'I suggest you move your savings to cash
Jim Rickards has shown me the light. It appears yet another another financial emergency has been delayed and I stand before you with egg on my face.
I continue to underestimated the creativity of international bankers, namely, the IMF.
I think Rickards is correct, the IMF, with Federal Reserve backing, will issue Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to Greece and Italy thereby averting the predicted freeze in the repurchase agreement market, and subsequent predicted freeze in credit markets.
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) are defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and used as a form of “international cash” to supplement a bank’s cash reserves. SDRs are not a retail currency, but represent a claim to other currencies held by IMF member countries for which they may be exchanged.
SDRs can be exchanged for US dollars, Euros, Japanese yen, or UK pounds. SDRs are thought to be the initial implementation of a world-wide currency, the Bancor.
Thus, any failed repurchase agreement AAA security can be backed with fresh SDRs which themselves were created with accounting keyboard strokes.'
This was in response to the Max Keiser interview with Jim Rickards:
The Banking Cartel
NB The Carroll Quigley book he talks about is here:
I've had it on my bookshelves for a decade, back when everyone was enjoying calling me a conspiracy theorist. Words which will taste bitter now.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Stanley Kubrick
Well worth listening to!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Benjamin Fulford Latest
'These days, reading some of the Western corporate propaganda media, you get the feeling you are reading Axis news reports of imminent victory late during World War 2. The reality people can see with their own eyes contradicts their reports so much that only a diehard rump of the most thoroughly brainwashed now really believes the propaganda. No matter what wishful thinking headlines they conjure up about the IMF coming to the rescue, or the Feds printing more dollars or FRN’s coming to the rescue, the fact of the matter is that the cabal that hijacked the world’s financial system has lost. The criminal cabal is caput. Events this week and next will provide ample proof of this."
Time will tell, but I have more of a spring in my step these days. It's true that the radio here in Toulouse, France, is so far removed from the reality that I see every day, it's laughable. Except that it's not funny.
Lucas Papademos
The conspiracy is true folks, mountains of evidence out there now. Deny it at your peril, prepare for it at your leisure.
You cannot say you weren't warned.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Germany Pulls Plug on Euro
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The Burden of Knowing
Difficult and tiring to swim against the tide all the time, even if you know it is a sea of lies
The Destruction of Libya
Banking System Collapse
Saturday, November 5, 2011
(blackmail is another name for it).
Oh, and here's another good post, on the G20 and Greek blackmail:
Thank goodness for the internet.
Quotes of the day
- Samuel Adams
- "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
- - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
- Edmund Burke
CIA Front Companies
Count Orlov Again
Max Keiser & Iceland
Adrian Salbuchi
Let's hope my previous post is correct, and the piggy-banks for these war-mongering bastards will be taken away from them. A lot of us are sick of all the violence and manipulated hatred and racism.
The Big One
Friday, November 4, 2011
Media Control
Note the chemtrails...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Quote of the Day
“We all know what has to be done; what we don’t know is how to get re-elected once we done it.”
Jean-Claude Juncker, prime minister of Luxembourg, commenting on the sovereign debt situation.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Truth About Libya (V)
Scott Olsen - Tipping Point
'Occupy Oakland and the serious wounding of Marine Corps veteran Scott Olsen, a two-tour vet of the Iraq invasion could be that Fort Sumter moment all right. It could just be that the Oakland cop who fired the teargas grenade that hit Olsen on the head, giving him a serious concussion and rendered him unconscious and hospitalized in serious condition may have been the tipping point for the Occupy movement.
You see there is something about Marines. They have been called Leathernecks, gyrenes, devil dogs and many other epithets for good reasons. They happen to be some of the most highly trained killers on the planet. They also happen to be some of the closest of all military comrades. Their motto is "Semper Fi" ~ always faithful ~ and their dedication is third to the Constitution, second to the Corps and first to their buddies.
Read a blog by another Marine Corps veteran earlier today. "Why did you do this to my Brother" headed his statement. He also ran a photo of himself, shaven head, lip and ear piercings, eyes that read of anger, determination, sorrow and something very hard and adamantine implacable. Bit teared up in one of his eyes. Powwwerful photo.
Hundreds of comments appended to the blog, many of them from both active and inactive members of the Corps. Funny thing about Marines: They never abandon the body of a slain buddy on the battlefield. When it comes to watching out for each other, the Marines are more sticky than the Tribe.
Blog has gone viral. Thousands have read it in less than 24 hours. Ironic situation. Since long before even General Smedley Butler's "War is a Racket", the U.S Marine Corps has been the bully boys for the racketeers who run this country. Somebody bothers Wall Street and their Prostiticians in Washington and their media whores and if the bother is big enough the call is "send in the Marines".
"Devil Dogs" is a good appellation for the Corps. That bunch of trained killers remind me of nothing so much more than a unit made up of pit bulls, dobermans, german shepherds and Rottweilers. They have been well known for obedience to their masters.
But you fkkk with a Marine, treat him like a piece of garbage, disrespect him and then wound him grievously out on the streets of an American city when he is peacefully protesting under the banner of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America...When you do that you have just pissed off one helluva lot of Marines.
Fort Sumter moment. Tipping Point. As of the moment the Oakland cops did it unto Scott Olsen, the Rothschild empire has transmuted their own trained killers into a force on which they can no longer rely. They have created their own worst nightmare.'
Amen to that.
#ows - Best Video
I have hated Obama from the beginning - I felt from the first moment he spoke that he was a liar and a fraud. I obviously have good gut reactions, but unfortunately I know a lot of people who were fooled.
Benjamin Fulford's Latest - 1st Nov
Could it be true?
I must admit, these revelations of 'accounting errors' seem highly suspect:
Reggie Middleton
Here's his website:
This is from a commenter on the Max Keiser website, about a possible replacement for the Greek PM - trouble is, they wrote the Wiki entry before this debâcle, and have now altered the Wiki entry to remove the last line. See Max Keiser's commenters for more on this strange tale, but posted here just in case: