Thursday, August 25, 2016

Remote Viewing (Not)

In the world of conspiracies, you have to be very alert for the BS, for those who would lead us astray and take our minds off of the real culprits in this war of minds. Here is one such example. I have never been so sure that what I'm hearing here is 100% BS. Known as 'Remote viewing', it's allegedly something that the Military use to predict the future.

Much, much more likely to be them using their skewed code of ethics to warn us of what they about to perpetrate before hand, so that their guilt is assuaged. Especially the first man - with his 'tribe' tattoo, his bald head and his deep insincerity, but the others too:

Trouble is, the sheeple will fall for it. Who will get the blame? Why, Islam of course! Who will really be to blame? Why the Mossad, the CIA and MI6, of course.

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