It's all here. Listen and weep:
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
The Third Rail & Adult Fairy Tales
Thank God for Catherine Austin Fitts! She keeps me sane.
"Hope comes from facing reality and finding the pathway that can shift things":
CAF for President!
"Hope comes from facing reality and finding the pathway that can shift things":
CAF for President!
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Vanguard Buys Detroit
My heart goes out to the poor people of Detroit - they're never going to get a break. Posted today on the KR:
I’m doing some research on Detroit for a project. The city went
bankrupt, but now the “Chinese” are re-investing in the city and it’s
all looking good again.
Only trouble is, the Governor is Rick Snyder (yes, you got it) and if you tune in at 0625m, you’ll see a very familiar smirking face behind him.
Vampires, parasites, blood-suckers, racists, organ-harvesters, call them what you like, but they ain’t “Chinese”.
Oh and if that wasn’t obvious enough, check out the T-shirt worn by the black man just before the Governor speaks, at 0600.
'And this up-beat crappy full-of-illuminati symbolism video, they pretend that there are entrepreneurs moving in to Detroit, although he does tell the truth at the beginning: it will not be the way it was (they won't let blacks live back in the centre):
Same story in New Orleans (post geoengineering), etc, etc. Get the poor people out, no matter how ruthless, and get hold of the prime real estate for pennies on the dollar. The same is happening in Gaza and the West Bank.
I don't think there's one black person in this dreadful video.
And did you hear him say it's a 'Vanguard' city? (1.38)
You know who Vanguard are??? See No°4:
Finally, as if Detroit hasn't suffered enough, this disgusting rubbing-your-noses-in-it 'event':
susan says:
Only trouble is, the Governor is Rick Snyder (yes, you got it) and if you tune in at 0625m, you’ll see a very familiar smirking face behind him.
Vampires, parasites, blood-suckers, racists, organ-harvesters, call them what you like, but they ain’t “Chinese”.
Oh and if that wasn’t obvious enough, check out the T-shirt worn by the black man just before the Governor speaks, at 0600.
Here's my second post:
'And this up-beat crappy full-of-illuminati symbolism video, they pretend that there are entrepreneurs moving in to Detroit, although he does tell the truth at the beginning: it will not be the way it was (they won't let blacks live back in the centre):
Same story in New Orleans (post geoengineering), etc, etc. Get the poor people out, no matter how ruthless, and get hold of the prime real estate for pennies on the dollar. The same is happening in Gaza and the West Bank.
I don't think there's one black person in this dreadful video.
And did you hear him say it's a 'Vanguard' city? (1.38)
You know who Vanguard are??? See No°4:
Finally, as if Detroit hasn't suffered enough, this disgusting rubbing-your-noses-in-it 'event':
Friday, December 25, 2015
Deep Denial
I heard it again yesterday, that my pessimism is mis-placed and things are looking up. For people who don't read, perhaps. For people who don't care, definitely. Luckily for me the Archdruid comes to the rescue of my sanity with a timely piece, just in time for 'Christmas', that hideously consumptive time of year:
Bah, humbug!
Bah, humbug!
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Predictive Linguistics
My favourite linguist (forget Chomsky, he's too compromised!), Clif High, here gives a very exciting explanation of what he does, and why and how the 'webbot' works. Encouragingly he doesn't see the complete AI cage that is being predicted by others coming to pass, because of the complexity and the fact that computers don't have self-awareness:
Unfortunately the interviewer is awful, but as I trust Clif High, he'll be choosing certain venues where he wants to give out his information - i.e. not to corportate individuals or websites.
Here's another Clif High podcast, hot off the press:
And one from the other day:
Unfortunately the interviewer is awful, but as I trust Clif High, he'll be choosing certain venues where he wants to give out his information - i.e. not to corportate individuals or websites.
Here's another Clif High podcast, hot off the press:
And one from the other day:
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
The World's a Stage
...for these behind-the-curtain Directors. They think nobody notices, or maybe they feel so invincible now that they don't care?
'It’s all a big play put on for public consumption, and guys like these help write the script.'
I hope they one day pay for their hubris. Unfortunately, I don't sense enough push-back.
'It’s all a big play put on for public consumption, and guys like these help write the script.'
I hope they one day pay for their hubris. Unfortunately, I don't sense enough push-back.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Fascism in France
As predicted, so long ago. No-one listened, and it's difficult to have sympathy for those only just starting to notice - usually because it has started to affect their lives, not out of compassion for others. An excellent synopsis here:
Peak Oil and the Permian Basin
Is it? Isn't it? Is it, isn't it?
Even if 'peak oil' is a myth (which I doubt) we're still extracting it faster that it can renew itself, and the existing global economy is designed around oil. How are we going to get around that little problem?
Even if 'peak oil' is a myth (which I doubt) we're still extracting it faster that it can renew itself, and the existing global economy is designed around oil. How are we going to get around that little problem?
The Blockchain
Inconceivable! But will it be free from central control?
Friday, December 18, 2015
Greenspan and his Plan
I've been quietly following - and listening - to what Bix Wier has been saying over the last few years. There is definitely something in his analysis of those Federal Reserve comics, with their symbolism, printed way back and half-forgotten. Then there was the 2015 Economist cover, which predicted not only David Cameron's 'pig' allegations, but also the Paris bombings, proving that we are all being led up the garden path.
Here Bix analyses the new 2016 Economist cover, and says we're in for a rough time ahead. It seems it really is a giant battle between differing financial big-guns. But who is going to win?
Here's Alan Greenspan's 'lost' University thesis:
As anyone who has followed this story for as long as I have knows, Greenspan was one of the biggest gold-bugs around, and wanted to crash the fiat system and re-introduce a gold-backed system. Bix thinks he's still trying.
Here Bix analyses the new 2016 Economist cover, and says we're in for a rough time ahead. It seems it really is a giant battle between differing financial big-guns. But who is going to win?
Here's Alan Greenspan's 'lost' University thesis:
As anyone who has followed this story for as long as I have knows, Greenspan was one of the biggest gold-bugs around, and wanted to crash the fiat system and re-introduce a gold-backed system. Bix thinks he's still trying.
All but disappeared. Here's why:
Here's an excerpt:
Here's an excerpt:
‘Palestinian Society
There were over one thousand villages in Palestine at the turn of the 19th century. Jerusalem, Haifa, Gaza, Jaffa, Nablus, Acre, Jericho, Ramle, Hebron and Nazareth were flourishing towns. The hills were painstakingly terraced. Irrigation ditches crisscrossed the land. The citrus orchards, olive groves and grains of Palestine were known throughout the world. Trade, crafts, textiles, cottage industry and agricultural production abounded.
Eighteenth and 19th century travellers’ accounts are replete with the data, as were the scholarly quarterly reports published in the 19th century by the British Palestine Exploration Fund.
In fact, it was precisely the social cohesiveness and stability of Palestinian society which led Lord Palmerston, in 1840, when Britain had established a consulate in Jerusalem, to propose, presciently, the founding of a European Jewish settler colony to “preserve the larger interests of the British Empire”. [15]
Palestinian society, if suffering from the collaboration of feudal landowners [effendi] with the Ottoman Empire, was nevertheless productive and culturally diverse, with a peasantry quite conscious of its social role. The Palestinian peasants and urban dwellers had made a clear, strongly felt distinction between the Jews who lived amongst them and would-be colonists, dating from the 1820’s, when the 20,000 Jews of Jerusalem were wholly integrated and accepted in Palestinian society.’
There were over one thousand villages in Palestine at the turn of the 19th century. Jerusalem, Haifa, Gaza, Jaffa, Nablus, Acre, Jericho, Ramle, Hebron and Nazareth were flourishing towns. The hills were painstakingly terraced. Irrigation ditches crisscrossed the land. The citrus orchards, olive groves and grains of Palestine were known throughout the world. Trade, crafts, textiles, cottage industry and agricultural production abounded.
Eighteenth and 19th century travellers’ accounts are replete with the data, as were the scholarly quarterly reports published in the 19th century by the British Palestine Exploration Fund.
In fact, it was precisely the social cohesiveness and stability of Palestinian society which led Lord Palmerston, in 1840, when Britain had established a consulate in Jerusalem, to propose, presciently, the founding of a European Jewish settler colony to “preserve the larger interests of the British Empire”. [15]
Palestinian society, if suffering from the collaboration of feudal landowners [effendi] with the Ottoman Empire, was nevertheless productive and culturally diverse, with a peasantry quite conscious of its social role. The Palestinian peasants and urban dwellers had made a clear, strongly felt distinction between the Jews who lived amongst them and would-be colonists, dating from the 1820’s, when the 20,000 Jews of Jerusalem were wholly integrated and accepted in Palestinian society.’
Origins of Oil
Not a fossil fuel, but a renewable energy? Shocking but fairly convincing article here:
Plus a de-bunking of peak oil here:
(plus others in the side bar).
Plus a de-bunking of peak oil here:
(plus others in the side bar).
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Peak Prosperity
A great discussion that everyone should listen to. But they won't:
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Well, we've been waiting a long time for this presentation.
I call b*u*l*l*s*h*i*t* on this man - he gives us 80% of the truth on how we got to where we're at, the secrecy, the inventions, the people involved, the technology, the modus operandi, the Corporations, the complicity with Governments, etc, etc.
And I haven't even finished listening, and I think I know the ending: that we all have to work together (globally) to overcome this threat, and it is him and his team who will save us from this interstellar warfare.
Many reasons for my scepticism: Bill Cooper's 'Behold a Pale Horse'; gut feeling; he's not mentioning any financial perpetrators; he talks about otherwise having anarchy in an 'Al Qaeda' world (oh jeez); he makes a few slips when talking about 'my' engineer, or having a 'file on him'; his ego; his body-building; his wife; his timing; his multi-decade visits to top level people for 'briefings' (and possibly suicides?); triangle on his T-shirt; his trite, casual talk of global poverty; his nervousness; his inappropriate humour on a deadly serious subject; his casual mention of nano-technology is use, etc.
I'll be interested to hear how he plans to solve this global fascism that we are facing today. Seems to me that since the theft of Tesla technology, ALL of the subjects he talks about could be man-made. The Nazis were working hard on it before and during WWII, and that 'Operation Paperclip' took it over and refined it to what we have today. I think I know what he's going to say: our Ashkenazi friends are going to come up smelling of roses and save the world.
Yeah, right.
After writing and posting what I did above, I did a quick search on the internet for more on this Doctor, and found an item with questions very similar to my own, who also calls him an agent for a certain State:
I now suspect that this Doctor was working on M-KUltra projects (as opposed to 'retiring early' and working on disclosure, as stated), and as such is a very dangerous person indeed - as can be seen by his body-language really, and his strange sense of humour, and his Islamophobia.
I call b*u*l*l*s*h*i*t* on this man - he gives us 80% of the truth on how we got to where we're at, the secrecy, the inventions, the people involved, the technology, the modus operandi, the Corporations, the complicity with Governments, etc, etc.
And I haven't even finished listening, and I think I know the ending: that we all have to work together (globally) to overcome this threat, and it is him and his team who will save us from this interstellar warfare.
Many reasons for my scepticism: Bill Cooper's 'Behold a Pale Horse'; gut feeling; he's not mentioning any financial perpetrators; he talks about otherwise having anarchy in an 'Al Qaeda' world (oh jeez); he makes a few slips when talking about 'my' engineer, or having a 'file on him'; his ego; his body-building; his wife; his timing; his multi-decade visits to top level people for 'briefings' (and possibly suicides?); triangle on his T-shirt; his trite, casual talk of global poverty; his nervousness; his inappropriate humour on a deadly serious subject; his casual mention of nano-technology is use, etc.
I'll be interested to hear how he plans to solve this global fascism that we are facing today. Seems to me that since the theft of Tesla technology, ALL of the subjects he talks about could be man-made. The Nazis were working hard on it before and during WWII, and that 'Operation Paperclip' took it over and refined it to what we have today. I think I know what he's going to say: our Ashkenazi friends are going to come up smelling of roses and save the world.
Yeah, right.
After writing and posting what I did above, I did a quick search on the internet for more on this Doctor, and found an item with questions very similar to my own, who also calls him an agent for a certain State:
I now suspect that this Doctor was working on M-KUltra projects (as opposed to 'retiring early' and working on disclosure, as stated), and as such is a very dangerous person indeed - as can be seen by his body-language really, and his strange sense of humour, and his Islamophobia.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
How It Happened Three
In a strange moment of synchronicity, I decided to look up my old blog entry - to see that I wrote it exactly two years ago to the day! Still seems mightily relevant to me, although there are some truth bombs out there coming out - but probably just damage limitation and more consolidation.
How It Happened II
I think I did pretty well, prediction wise, with this post from fourteen months ago. I forgot a few things, namely eugenics and the de-population agenda, whether by war, viruses or famine. Apart from that, the scenario seems to be moving forward, with us stuck between Point 14 and 15 at the moment, but when the dam breaks, we'll quickly move forward:
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
War on Cash
Good article, laying out the problems, and the global push behind the war on cash:
Monday, November 9, 2015
Ralph Nader
The best President the US never had. Looking much older, and sadder, here is a wonderful interview with Ralph Nader, with good-guy Chris Hedges:
Saturday, November 7, 2015
End Game
Coming soon! Many people are surprised at how long this Ponzi scheme has been kept afloat, but increasingly it seems they've painted themselves into a corner. Alasdair Macleod lays it all out for us (although I'm not convinced by his conclusion):
Vegans and Their Reasons
An interesting exchange I had in the MK comments' section:
thanks for the links
I’ve been writing for a Vegan journal for more than ten years, but they changed their logo to….the Vesica Piscis some while ago, and the Treasurer is a Jewish chap, so I’m a bit more suspicious about their actual motives (there’s a lot of money to be made there…).
However anyone intelligent cannot deny that there is not room for two huge resource-consuming populations on the planet (humans and domesticated animals). Vegans think the second group should be diminished, globalists think the first group should be diminished. Who’s winning?
I wonder if a nuclear bomb would be similar to Mount Pinatubo and dim the sun’s rays from hitting the earth for some while – which is an objective of the global warming advocates (see my previous links). Could kill two birds with one stone? Reduce the human population to, say, 500 million, and stop/slow/reverse ‘global warming’?
With a “Who could have known?” plausible deniability clause.
Whatever happened to Solar Cycle 24?
YoLithos says:
Re : Livestock Methane Armaggeddon – @susan
The general human driven industrial scale extinction of almost all the herds of larger wildlife on the planet – and now most of the rest from frogs to krill and bees, insects, and fish – probably ‘compensates’ for a lot of non-sustainable industrial livestock raising. Though the effects of the latter tend to be concentrated in ‘sacrifice zones’, albeit very large ones.
The effect of industrial or extensive livestock raising and its methane production could be significantly reduced by better livestock feeding practices and waste treatment for biofuel and fertilizer. And these could then be used, sold, or distributed. And would reduce fossil fuel ‘externalities’ and logistics waste. Whether financial, political, or human.
The inertia of power and complacent fearful habit would make that process too slow to bear. Ethically and morally, you do have a very strong case.
The real problem might be in radiation, disease, pollution, and immunity collapse. The problem they care about is never the one they give as an excuse.
susan says:
Thank you.
Considerations other than methane are the ‘Land Use’ ones: the fact that (I forget what percentage) of land is used to grow food for domesticated animals, Winter feed and bedding for domesticated animals, grazing for DA’s, water for DA’s, a not-insignificant percentage of the dreadful pharmaceutical industry’s profits come from DA’s, the run-off from their urines ruin the water tables, so that certain farms have to re-locate (as in pig farms here in France), etc, etc.
But your point about the loss of wild animals ‘compensating’ is well taken. One suspects that this is the plan of the Globalists – get rid of 80% of humans and ALL DA’s, and re-stock using DNA technologies, with a return to huntin’, fishin’ and shootin’, mostly wild animals, but sometimes stray humans, just for fun.
Everyone has read ‘Ozone’ by Paul Theroux, I hope!
YoLithos says:
You’re more than welcome. I hope it helped.
There is enough agricultural land and technology in existence to feed the world several times over. If I remember correctly, the US alone could feed the whole world about once or twice over if it grew all it could. Actually caring for the land and adopting renewable and sustainable practices could probably increase that by a large amount and still use the leftovers to eliminate fossil fuel dependency and save a lot on other raw materials. Especially with modern transformation technology.
The corporate industrial agriculture interests see that as a threat. Their ‘problem’ is to restrict farming and livestock production to profit from scarcity and uniformity. Extinction economics, as Max and Stacy pointed out some time ago. Otherwise, there would be enough for people and livestock to spare for the whole population of the USA-Canada (same model) a few times over.
Land use and forest protection inquiries in the Brazilian Senate a couple of years ago said that recovering degraded pasture and farming land – and employing slightly more sustainable practices – could double the area and productivity available for both without tearing down any more forest for soy plantations. And Brazil alone has about six times China’s available farmland, and about a tenth of its population.
So it’s a question of a short-sighted spiteful exploitative model. A wilfully ignorance-intensive one.
susan says:
thanks for the links
I’ve been writing for a Vegan journal for more than ten years, but they changed their logo to….the Vesica Piscis some while ago, and the Treasurer is a Jewish chap, so I’m a bit more suspicious about their actual motives (there’s a lot of money to be made there…).
However anyone intelligent cannot deny that there is not room for two huge resource-consuming populations on the planet (humans and domesticated animals). Vegans think the second group should be diminished, globalists think the first group should be diminished. Who’s winning?
I wonder if a nuclear bomb would be similar to Mount Pinatubo and dim the sun’s rays from hitting the earth for some while – which is an objective of the global warming advocates (see my previous links). Could kill two birds with one stone? Reduce the human population to, say, 500 million, and stop/slow/reverse ‘global warming’?
With a “Who could have known?” plausible deniability clause.
Whatever happened to Solar Cycle 24?
The general human driven industrial scale extinction of almost all the herds of larger wildlife on the planet – and now most of the rest from frogs to krill and bees, insects, and fish – probably ‘compensates’ for a lot of non-sustainable industrial livestock raising. Though the effects of the latter tend to be concentrated in ‘sacrifice zones’, albeit very large ones.
The effect of industrial or extensive livestock raising and its methane production could be significantly reduced by better livestock feeding practices and waste treatment for biofuel and fertilizer. And these could then be used, sold, or distributed. And would reduce fossil fuel ‘externalities’ and logistics waste. Whether financial, political, or human.
The inertia of power and complacent fearful habit would make that process too slow to bear. Ethically and morally, you do have a very strong case.
The real problem might be in radiation, disease, pollution, and immunity collapse. The problem they care about is never the one they give as an excuse.
Thank you.
Considerations other than methane are the ‘Land Use’ ones: the fact that (I forget what percentage) of land is used to grow food for domesticated animals, Winter feed and bedding for domesticated animals, grazing for DA’s, water for DA’s, a not-insignificant percentage of the dreadful pharmaceutical industry’s profits come from DA’s, the run-off from their urines ruin the water tables, so that certain farms have to re-locate (as in pig farms here in France), etc, etc.
But your point about the loss of wild animals ‘compensating’ is well taken. One suspects that this is the plan of the Globalists – get rid of 80% of humans and ALL DA’s, and re-stock using DNA technologies, with a return to huntin’, fishin’ and shootin’, mostly wild animals, but sometimes stray humans, just for fun.
Everyone has read ‘Ozone’ by Paul Theroux, I hope!
You’re more than welcome. I hope it helped.
There is enough agricultural land and technology in existence to feed the world several times over. If I remember correctly, the US alone could feed the whole world about once or twice over if it grew all it could. Actually caring for the land and adopting renewable and sustainable practices could probably increase that by a large amount and still use the leftovers to eliminate fossil fuel dependency and save a lot on other raw materials. Especially with modern transformation technology.
The corporate industrial agriculture interests see that as a threat. Their ‘problem’ is to restrict farming and livestock production to profit from scarcity and uniformity. Extinction economics, as Max and Stacy pointed out some time ago. Otherwise, there would be enough for people and livestock to spare for the whole population of the USA-Canada (same model) a few times over.
Land use and forest protection inquiries in the Brazilian Senate a couple of years ago said that recovering degraded pasture and farming land – and employing slightly more sustainable practices – could double the area and productivity available for both without tearing down any more forest for soy plantations. And Brazil alone has about six times China’s available farmland, and about a tenth of its population.
So it’s a question of a short-sighted spiteful exploitative model. A wilfully ignorance-intensive one.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Consumer Aggregation, Entrainment Technology and Subliminal Programming
And saving Western culture, amongst other topics!
Briliant - she's my hero:
Briliant - she's my hero:
Someone much mocked makes the most compassionate and honest appraisal of events in Syria that I've heard in years. I suspect that's why he's much mocked:
Monday, November 2, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Human Humility (lack thereof)
'The sea is patient.
It has outlived countless species and will outlive countless more, ours
among them. Among the things it might be able to teach us, on the off chance
that we’re willing to learn, is that the life of a species, like that of an
individual, is completed by death, not erased by it, and that its value is
measured by the beauty and wisdom it experiences and creates, not by the
crasser measurements of brute force and brute endurance.'
Incredible piece.
Incredible piece.
Central Planning Par Exellence!
Unfortuantely it looks like ol' JC has been right all along, and despite his arrogance, he does give us peons a few crumbs to work from, regarding the all-encompasing and slow-moving macroeconomic policies of the BIS:
Here, one of the commenters mentions an interesting related Court Case:
Here, one of the commenters mentions an interesting related Court Case:
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
False Heroes
"We can't tell what's real or not anymore" Morris
Ain't that the truth!
Unless you've been following this story for a long, long time...
Ain't that the truth!
Unless you've been following this story for a long, long time...
My own opinion is that this is a false dichotomy, a Hegelian-dialectic offering of West vs. East, which is the meme we are supposed to believe. I believe the reality is that which JC Collins has described, that the International Bankers (read BIS) are playing both sides, and are raising the East whilst slowly dropping the West.
This article, although mired in the usual West vs. East theme, lays out clearly the changing global financial situation and the consequences for the US Dollar, in the not-too-distant future:
Along with the 'rise of China' we will have the 'discovery' of new free energies, and incredible technology which will move us away from a fossil-fuel-based global economy to more of a renewable-based global economy. It will be made to look like it was China, with the help of Russia, that brought this about.
Why else have the Rockerfeller's divested 80% of their holdings in oil, and invested in renewables? Sharp business practices or inside information? Or are they the same thing?
Question: if my 'theory' is correct, why did we need so much secrecy? Why is the prevailing media-driven rhetoric still pitting man against man, using age-old themes of nationalities and religions to keep people at each others' throats? Why couldn't 'they' just announce it, out in the open, years ago? Why couldn't they say 'we want to produce a freer and fairer world for the vast majority of the worlds' peoples, as long as we stay on top'. Why couldn't they just say that?
This article, although mired in the usual West vs. East theme, lays out clearly the changing global financial situation and the consequences for the US Dollar, in the not-too-distant future:
Along with the 'rise of China' we will have the 'discovery' of new free energies, and incredible technology which will move us away from a fossil-fuel-based global economy to more of a renewable-based global economy. It will be made to look like it was China, with the help of Russia, that brought this about.
Why else have the Rockerfeller's divested 80% of their holdings in oil, and invested in renewables? Sharp business practices or inside information? Or are they the same thing?
Question: if my 'theory' is correct, why did we need so much secrecy? Why is the prevailing media-driven rhetoric still pitting man against man, using age-old themes of nationalities and religions to keep people at each others' throats? Why couldn't 'they' just announce it, out in the open, years ago? Why couldn't they say 'we want to produce a freer and fairer world for the vast majority of the worlds' peoples, as long as we stay on top'. Why couldn't they just say that?
Monday, October 26, 2015
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
I've posted this before, but it bears repeating. The actual Document starts at page 4:
An old idea, how to control the climate, which is being ramped up right now, outside.
Here's a paper from 1966:
The courageous Dane Wigington tries to talk about the elephant in the room:
He talks about contrails, and how modern jet engines don't produce them:
(plus the spraying often comes out of the tail of aircraft, not from the engines).
A gagging order has been placed on workers at the National Weather Service, who know what's going on:
Those of us who have been following this story for years remember this interesting little interview, where a global currency and global weather modification are mentioned - by You Know Who:
(note the sycophantic tone, which is at least half of our problem - we cannot believe that these people would lie to us, and might have plans for complete global control, and are willing to stop at nothing - nothing - to achieve it. After all, they're white, rich, wear a nice suit and tie and went to Oxbridge!)
Last but not least, guess who bought a 70% stake in 'Weather Central', from where ALL weather departments of the US news Channels get their information?
A final, reasonable question: WHY?
Answer: Eugenics and global financial control.
That's it, difficult although it might be to believe.
Here's a paper from 1966:
The courageous Dane Wigington tries to talk about the elephant in the room:
He talks about contrails, and how modern jet engines don't produce them:
(plus the spraying often comes out of the tail of aircraft, not from the engines).
A gagging order has been placed on workers at the National Weather Service, who know what's going on:
Those of us who have been following this story for years remember this interesting little interview, where a global currency and global weather modification are mentioned - by You Know Who:
(note the sycophantic tone, which is at least half of our problem - we cannot believe that these people would lie to us, and might have plans for complete global control, and are willing to stop at nothing - nothing - to achieve it. After all, they're white, rich, wear a nice suit and tie and went to Oxbridge!)
Last but not least, guess who bought a 70% stake in 'Weather Central', from where ALL weather departments of the US news Channels get their information?
A final, reasonable question: WHY?
Answer: Eugenics and global financial control.
That's it, difficult although it might be to believe.
The Drone Papers
This relates strongly to my last post, about upping the ante on the US, in order for people globally to lose confidence in the dollar, and therefore embrace the East and its gold-backed Yuan and/or the SDR2.
However, it's still useful to know what is being done in our name, and as usual, it's murder:
Here's more:
However, it's still useful to know what is being done in our name, and as usual, it's murder:
Here's more:
11/3 or 11/5?
There was much speculation about this cover of The Economist when it came out. Part-owned by the Rothschild's, it often knows what is going to happen ahead of time. So the dates on the arrows at the bottom have caused much speculation. Now we see Jacob Lew - the person really in charge at the Fed. - talking of some 'accident', in relation to the US's debt ceiling:
Here's another analysis from one of my favourite blogs:
You have to scroll down to get to the part about The Economist cover and Jacob Lew, but the whole post is well worth a read, and I think he's spot on the money!
Not long to wait now...
Surprise! Here we see that The Economist is not governed by the Corporate Governance Code:
Here's another analysis from one of my favourite blogs:
You have to scroll down to get to the part about The Economist cover and Jacob Lew, but the whole post is well worth a read, and I think he's spot on the money!
Not long to wait now...
Surprise! Here we see that The Economist is not governed by the Corporate Governance Code:
Sunday, October 25, 2015
The Tax Justice Network
A wonderful round-up of what tax-avoiders are up to, the scams and the guilty parties:
Gilad Atzmon on Jewish Identity
Gilad Atzmon - Hour 1 - From A to Zion & The Jewish Solidarity Spin
May 18, 2015
Gilad Atzmon is a British jazz artist and author born in Israel and trained in composition and jazz at the Rubin Academy of Music, Jerusalem. He is a member of the Blockheads, founded the Orient House Ensemble in London, and has recorded and performed with many rock music legends. Gilad also writes on political matters, social issues, Jewish identity and culture. Atzmon has written three books, and he returns to speak with us about his new publication, “A to Zion – The Definitive Israeli Lexicon,” a fictitious satire co-authored with cartoonist Enzo Apicella. Gilad gives a synopsis of the book and tells about his impetus for engaging the issues of Jewish ideology in Israel politics using aphorisms and humor. Gilad underscores some of the pressing themes he covers, most notably the solidarity movement that has destroyed the Palestinian people, as well as the political advancements that have been achieved through the military institution’s murderous wars against innocent civilians. Gilad emphasizes the bamboozling effects of identity politics among various discourses, and we relate this cultural tactic to the notion of the oppressed vs. the oppressor as a trick to lead victims into the hands of more oppression. In the second segment, Gilad illustrates the approach he created in “A to Zion” for explaining the control of language in Jewish identity politics. We look at the Jewish Palestinian Solidarity Movement’s Right of Return policy, which lies at the core of the Palestinian plight. We also examine some of the faulty terminology planted within various concepts in the movement that further misleads the discourse and legitimizes Israeli’s occupation of the West Bank. Gilad defines the roots of the Hebrew language, and we consider how terminology can be used to turn societies into dysfunctional multiplicities that are dictated by the need to be politically correct. At the end, we spend some time reflecting on the growing opposition to Zionism, the anti-Semitic crime of too much knowledge, and redefining the questions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in order to pursue the truth.
May 18, 2015
Gilad Atzmon is a British jazz artist and author born in Israel and trained in composition and jazz at the Rubin Academy of Music, Jerusalem. He is a member of the Blockheads, founded the Orient House Ensemble in London, and has recorded and performed with many rock music legends. Gilad also writes on political matters, social issues, Jewish identity and culture. Atzmon has written three books, and he returns to speak with us about his new publication, “A to Zion – The Definitive Israeli Lexicon,” a fictitious satire co-authored with cartoonist Enzo Apicella. Gilad gives a synopsis of the book and tells about his impetus for engaging the issues of Jewish ideology in Israel politics using aphorisms and humor. Gilad underscores some of the pressing themes he covers, most notably the solidarity movement that has destroyed the Palestinian people, as well as the political advancements that have been achieved through the military institution’s murderous wars against innocent civilians. Gilad emphasizes the bamboozling effects of identity politics among various discourses, and we relate this cultural tactic to the notion of the oppressed vs. the oppressor as a trick to lead victims into the hands of more oppression. In the second segment, Gilad illustrates the approach he created in “A to Zion” for explaining the control of language in Jewish identity politics. We look at the Jewish Palestinian Solidarity Movement’s Right of Return policy, which lies at the core of the Palestinian plight. We also examine some of the faulty terminology planted within various concepts in the movement that further misleads the discourse and legitimizes Israeli’s occupation of the West Bank. Gilad defines the roots of the Hebrew language, and we consider how terminology can be used to turn societies into dysfunctional multiplicities that are dictated by the need to be politically correct. At the end, we spend some time reflecting on the growing opposition to Zionism, the anti-Semitic crime of too much knowledge, and redefining the questions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in order to pursue the truth.
Trident Juncture
The biggest NATO European 'drill' you've never heard of. Boy, they manage to keep these murderous activities quiet in the media if they want to, don't they? 27 countries, 36,000 troops and a lot of military hardware:
"It's a way to have an occupied country" says Webster Tarpley's Italian guest, Pino Cabras, who runs an alternative news website in Italy, in this week's Crisis Radio programme:
(From about minute 36, although it's all worth listening to, for a round-up on geopolitics.)
Here's Senor Cabras' website:
(Ahah! Interestingly my computer tried to bloc access to this site, saying it could be dangerous - you bet!!)
"It's a way to have an occupied country" says Webster Tarpley's Italian guest, Pino Cabras, who runs an alternative news website in Italy, in this week's Crisis Radio programme:
(From about minute 36, although it's all worth listening to, for a round-up on geopolitics.)
Here's Senor Cabras' website:
(Ahah! Interestingly my computer tried to bloc access to this site, saying it could be dangerous - you bet!!)
The Younger Generation
There was a time when the younger generation could count on their elders to guide them, to scold them when they went astray, and to praise and encourage them to follow the correct path.
Today everything is on its head. A small proportion of the younger generation - two of whom we entertained last night - have realised that if they copied the ways of their elders, it is almost certain suicide. The profligate and spend-thrift ways of my generation is leaving only chaos and destruction for the younger generation to cope with, and the more intelligent ones amongst them are saying 'Basta!'.
They have decided to eschew consumersm, to follow an acetic path, to spurn alcohol and drugs, not to reproduce. If this movement grows, there may be hope for the planet and the future of the human race. Unfortunately the people with their hands on the power at the moment are of my generation, or older, where insanity seems to have taken root.
Hopefully increasing amounts of people will - instead of fighting the system - just slowly, deliberately and with determinattion move away from it. This means a move away from debt and the banks too.
I wish them well.
Today everything is on its head. A small proportion of the younger generation - two of whom we entertained last night - have realised that if they copied the ways of their elders, it is almost certain suicide. The profligate and spend-thrift ways of my generation is leaving only chaos and destruction for the younger generation to cope with, and the more intelligent ones amongst them are saying 'Basta!'.
They have decided to eschew consumersm, to follow an acetic path, to spurn alcohol and drugs, not to reproduce. If this movement grows, there may be hope for the planet and the future of the human race. Unfortunately the people with their hands on the power at the moment are of my generation, or older, where insanity seems to have taken root.
Hopefully increasing amounts of people will - instead of fighting the system - just slowly, deliberately and with determinattion move away from it. This means a move away from debt and the banks too.
I wish them well.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Negative Interest Rates
Here's a very clear account by Alastair Macloud on how he see negative interest rates - if they are introduced - affecting the economy:
Interesting times!
Interesting times!
Friday, October 23, 2015
The Dollar's Demise
Maybe it's not all going the Banksters' way, after all?
Uniform Commercial Code
The US is a Corporation, and they operate under Commercial Law, not Common Law or the Constitution. It's best to understand this, as it's taking control of your life:
She talks about this video being one of her 'eureka!' moments:
Here's some more information on their website:
She talks about this video being one of her 'eureka!' moments:
Here's some more information on their website:
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Paedophilia In the Highest Places
OK, let's get serious here. The current media narrative is that white people are good, live in a democracy and need to teach the rest of the world how to live correctly. Muslims are bad, as are Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, etc, etc. I heard this narrative just the other day.
But what if we were all living a lie? What if we knew - subconsciously - that the whole Western system is build upon increasingly rotten foundations (excuse the pun)? What if we didn't want to shake the tree because we were happy to harvest the fruits that sometimes drop from the tree? What if over decades there were rumours of disgusting acts done in high places, but it was all hushed up? What if the British Prime Minister was discovered to have done a lewd act at University that he could later be blackmailed for, and we collectively shrugged?
Do we therefore get what we deserve?
I have enormous respect for this woman, whom I have followed for years. I have her book. She's that rare thing - the real deal. As she explains in this interview, we have lost our integrity and dignity in the West, because we are far too willing to point the finger at other countries, regimes, nations and ethnicities, and then bomb them. At the same time we systematically ignore (or worse, tacitly support) the vile, corrupt, and empathy-free psychopaths that are in our own midst - right here, right now.
(I'd like them to have addressed who the real controllers are, who control these political puppets from behind the curtain, but it's a courageous interview and I suppose that's enough for starters!)
But what if we were all living a lie? What if we knew - subconsciously - that the whole Western system is build upon increasingly rotten foundations (excuse the pun)? What if we didn't want to shake the tree because we were happy to harvest the fruits that sometimes drop from the tree? What if over decades there were rumours of disgusting acts done in high places, but it was all hushed up? What if the British Prime Minister was discovered to have done a lewd act at University that he could later be blackmailed for, and we collectively shrugged?
Do we therefore get what we deserve?
I have enormous respect for this woman, whom I have followed for years. I have her book. She's that rare thing - the real deal. As she explains in this interview, we have lost our integrity and dignity in the West, because we are far too willing to point the finger at other countries, regimes, nations and ethnicities, and then bomb them. At the same time we systematically ignore (or worse, tacitly support) the vile, corrupt, and empathy-free psychopaths that are in our own midst - right here, right now.
(I'd like them to have addressed who the real controllers are, who control these political puppets from behind the curtain, but it's a courageous interview and I suppose that's enough for starters!)
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
One of the biggest Companies you've never heard of:
Their Wiki page:
Their own website:
Their Wiki page:
Their own website:
The Taking Over of Toulouse
Here's a comment I made on the KR site, kept here for posterity:
susan says:
It’s been a long time since I shouted “Yes, yes, yes!” (!) at the computer, but I thought your ‘Truth about Markets’ this week was fan-bloody-tastic! Everyone must listen – Max is at his best because he’s not fighting for space with a guest, and the stream-of-consciousness ‘truth’ sends shivers down your spine:
Just a couple of words about the housing market in France: unfortunately it’s the start of the same old bubble-blowing here as I saw in the UK in the ’80-90s. You Know Who bought up all of Toulouse, which was a sleepy, pretty provincial town when I first arrived in ’93.
They aggressively bought everything, and set fire to a few buildings where presumably the owner didn’t want to sell. Once they owned nearly all of it, the prices were much higher (doesn’t matter if you’re being given free money, but makes housing out of reach for normal people) they set about putting in bollards, so that you have to ask a metal column with a speaker for the right to enter the (re-vamped prettified) centre. The column has the right to say ‘No’, and if they don’t lower the bollards, you have to reverse into traffic. All in the name of traffic calming measures, of course.
A Company called ‘Kaufman Abroad’ (I kid you not) set about buying up all of the river-side properties, demolishing some and building very nice – thank you very much – luxury apartments. The same is, of course, true for London and Paris, two cities I also know well, but I digress.
Now Toulouse is a gleaming example of what you can do when you have money: a new tramway right to the airport, wide pedestrianised streets, renovated Churches, organic shops, lots of restaurants – who could complain? Except perhaps the old shop-keepers, who have been pushed out. The centre is now almost exclusively what I call ‘shit-shops’, where they are owned by YKW and sell nothing but a pair of panties or a pair of shoes for €800 (it’s posh, you see).
Then when they’d finished buying up Toulouse they moved out here to the countryside. Our local sleepy farmers’ town is now – as I write – being aggressively bought up and changed, introducing shit-shops or local fires for those who don’t want to sell. Many shop windows smashed, (which was also a phenomenon I saw in Toulouse) which will of course be a nice little earner for the Insurance Companies and locksmiths, both of which are owned by YKW.
Last but not least, even ‘my’ little valley – one farm burnt completely to the ground recently, three burglaries in the last three months, after 20 years of nothing (again, helping the Insurance Companies and the locksmiths) and guess what the result is? Really great but poor farmers I know are being pushed out of business (or worse – suicide, one just a month ago here) and their farms sold off to ‘wealthy types’, as you can tell by their disgusting big cars in a town which used to be known for its clapped out Renaults….
Of course with this expansion has come money to do road improvements, which strangely were not relevant when only poor people lived up in the valleys, and traffic calming measures, and lots and lots of brand new houses……
Oh, and before I switch the ‘rant button’ off, lots of new problems with drugs and alcoholism, for which – luckily and coincidentally – there are a myriad of Associations and Organisations with volunteers to help out, including the good ol’ Red Cross, which took over an organic shop and ran it into the ground so that it closed, leaving only the one controlled by YKW. Heck, we even had a sawn-off shotgun hold-up and a dead body floating down the river.
All coincidence, of course.
Anyway, sorry about that, but I just wanted to say Thanks to M&S for putting that excellent show out there, before it becomes illegal. May G-d help us all.
Rare old film footage of Palestine - proving that it existed before Israel:
Monday, October 19, 2015
Permaculture Principles
A good interview reflecting on how we can apply permaculture principles to other walks of life:
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Pepe Escobar
An interview with someone who knows what he's talking about, for a change:
As he says, the US don't have intelligence 'on the ground' in Syria, whereas Russia does.
As he says, the US don't have intelligence 'on the ground' in Syria, whereas Russia does.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Planet Klepto
I suppose it could be possible to listen to this video and explain away most of the Fed's actions as non-conspiratorial, but you'd have a job! Here, someone I've never heard of to date, John Titus, gives a fantastic resumé of the events of the Fed since 2009. It is nothing less than a massive crime scene:
And here is a follow-up to the above video:
And here is a follow-up to the above video:
Monday, October 12, 2015
Wet Work Continued
Four months ago we were burgled. That would have been OK if that had been the end of it. However, as I noted in my blog post of August, since then there have been a string of incidents that have not yet finished:
Today, Monday 12th of October, towards midday, the dogs were outside and they both barked heartily. This has been quite a common occurrence, which is annoying, but I must admit that every time I go to see what they're barking at, there is always someone or something.
Today it was - guess who? - the same man I mentioned in the third paragraph of the above post. I said I would recognise him again, and indeed he has the same dogs with him, although this time with 2 donkeys, as opposed to a large saddle-less black horse like last time. He was walking up the hill, and obviously my dogs had barked when he went past our house.
So, like last time, I jumped in the car and drove up the hill, past him. Sure enough it was the same man (I recognised his bent nose!). I drove up the valley and contemplated calling in at a neighbour's house to ask him to come out onto the road as a witness, but as I said in my last Post, he wouldn't take me seriously, so I didn't bother. I then turned round and came down the valley again, and decided to engage him in conversation.
Obviously it was in French, but here's a rough approximation of what was said: Me "So we meet again!" Him: "Oui, bonjour" "there was a donkey hanging round my house a few weeks ago, for about a week, was it yours?" "No", "You have very nice donkeys - this one had a hoof with rather a long nail" "No, these are my donkeys, as you can see". Me: "Hello dogs" (to the large mastif-type dogs, quite friendly), Me: "Are you going far?" (it's already quite a walk from the bottom of the valley, and another 5kms up to the Col de Rille Him: "No, it's OK, not far...". I nearly asked him where he lived, but thought that would be rude and didn't want him to get annoyed. So I said I hoped he had a nice walk, and carried on down to my house.
Something made me carry on past my house, however, just to see whether there was anyone waiting for the 'all-clear' to come and burgle the house again. There was indeed a car down by the bridge (where a pile of wood has gone missing over the last few months), but no-one was in it. Indeed, after taking the numberplate (DD 365 TV 09, a dark green (again!) Peugeot Partner, from the Minniti Garage in Massat) I took a look inside - and it was someone who lives out of their car, I think. An old rucksack, a dogs bowl, leads, empty drink and biscuit boxes, a bag of rubbish, an old blanket, etc. Someone poor too, as it was all in shabby condition.
At this point it is relevant to mention that since I last wrote there have been more incidents of 'strangers' in these parts: at least 4 empty beer cans thrown by the side of the road, at different times (I pick them up), of the cheap and strong variety, plus other rubbish. Graffiti in the valley, which is new, plus again another cyclist who came up the valley but only as far as half way up our orchard, where I spotted him really craning his neck looking down across the orchard. It was that day that Trevor was working on our Landrover, ready for the MOT, and I think he was trying to see that, and not looking at the orchard.
Again I took the Twingo and drove up past him, stopped for a while and waited for him to come past. He never did, so I went back down the valley, only to catch him up at Milles, pedalling like mad. I slowed down and stopped him, to engage him in conversation: he was French and I said "So, you decided not to continue up the hill?" "Yes, I had a pain in my leg" he said. He then continued to pedal off down towards Rimont.
Perhaps I am foolish to keep engaging these people in conversation, but I have a very good idea, after all these years, of who is a real cyclist and/or pedestrian, and who is not. My gut reaction kicks in, and the people themselves give off a unnatural comportment, as if they have been found out. Needless to say there have been many other people who I have not 'accosted', who are indeed picking mushrooms, chestnuts, just cruising etc. There was also a young girl leading 2 carthorses last week down past the house - I was alerted by the dogs and went to see why they barked, but didn't pursue it further.
Also, not once or twice but seven times I have found freshly-used toilet paper around the house (and what goes with it - very unpleasant): once just behind in the woods, four times down by the bridge where the wood has been taken, once down by 'our' bridge on the forest track, and finally, just the other day, up on the forest track opposite, where there is an excellent vantage point of our house. You can see whether we're in or out, especially at night, and of course one of the few things stolen were some binoculars. I could tell this latter toilet paper was 'fresh' as it was still dry and very white, whereas we had had heavy rain just a few nights prior. This means someone is still roaming around the forest track, and I am assured that it is not the Hunters who do this type of thing.
At this point I should mention that there have been two burglaries of a plumber's workshop in Rimont since our own burglary: in July and August, on the day of the village Fête. I went to speak to the Plumber and we talked about it - the first time they entered by the side door and exited by the roof, and the second time in and out by the roof. I couldn't quite understand what they took, as he had a strong accent, but it was obviously unsettling for him, as it was his business premises, and the workshop was open when we spoke, and full of the tools of his trade.
I think these two burglaries happened at night, and I'm pretty sure ours must have as well - we left a light on in the living room, but being away it was not turned off at night, and if you were surveying a house, you'd be able to tell that it was a light left on, as opposed to someone being home. I'm also pretty sure that they called at the door the day before I left, as when I came home from shopping there were horse droppings on the drive - so they could have called on the pretext of getting some water - like the other man - just to see if we were in, and we weren't. If we go away temporarily, we now leave the dogs in the house, but at that time Trevor had Joe with him, and we hadn't yet found Beau, so there would have been no barking dogs.
Finally a neighbour told me on the 'phone this morning about another burglary at Rivernert - the next valley over from us, but not too far. I am going to hear the details tomorrow, and maybe it was years ago, but I'll note down what she tells me here anyway.
Incidentally, I did ring the Gendarmerie after some of these incidents, but as they said, the whole area is so big and there are only a few of them - they cannot be everywhere at once. I feel these highly-organised gangs know this only too well. I'd like to know who the man with the beard is, in the white Twingo...
UPDATE 13th October 2015
This morning I took Denise, the person who was born in our house and with whom we've spent many an hour reminiscing, to the cemetary at Biert to put some flowers on her family's graves. As I went to pick her up I noticed that the dark green Peugeot Partner (numberplate noted above) was still down by the bridge. As I came back, however, it had gone. I was fully expecting it to be parked on our drive, but it wasn't.
Then, after changing my shoes, we climbed the hill and went over the Cols de Rille and Crouzette, in order to get to Biert. What should I see parked at the first bend in the road after Col de la Crouzette, but the same green Peugeot partner! Same numberplate, same dents and scratches! So, now I know where our friend lives - for it was definitely his car - and he must have walked the donkeys up to his place, then walked down to get the car this morning.
Of course I have no proof that this man is anything to do with the burglary, but it is the same person who I caught talking to a man in a white Twingo at Milles, the driver of which shot off like a scalded cat, on 14th of July. My feeling is that they were hoping we'd be out, and that they could park on our drive and finish the job of getting the things they saw on the first visit.
This morning Denise spoke of a recent burglary at Rivernert, where they took everything, including the safe and the firearms. If it's the same gang who twice burgled the plumber at Rimont and our house, it's possible I'm onto something. I'd better be careful, and I'm reflecting carefully on the next step.
UPDATE 14th October 2015
Well, well, well! To say there's never a dull moment would be an understatement. This morning I decided to note down the serial numbers of our chainsaws, in case they're nicked (!), and after that I put them back in the loft. As I got near the loft window, I automatically looked out (I don't always) and who should I see coming down the valley in his green Peugeot Partner? Yes, our friend the donkey man, from Auragnou, the hamlet on the other side of Col de la Crouzette.
Yesterday I did a bit of sleuthing, and discovered that there is a horse Stud (Haras) at Auragnou, called 'Le Ticol'. On the internet it says it's run by Hélios and Govan Quinquis, (complete with 'phone numbers: 0561969481 and 0671534686) although in the 'phone book there is only Govan and Ivan Quinquis, stating that the latter lives at Le Rame, Bièrt. There is a Hélios (which is a bit of a coincidence) but his surname is 'Minguez', although his address is Auragnou (tel: 0561969482, just one digit away from the above number).
He went down the road, so I walked the dogs down to the bridge, but he wasn't there. Back at the house I had an idea: why don't I drive around the block, to Rimont and back, to see whether that green Peugeot was parked at Prommata, or in the village. So I locked the dogs in the house and jumped in the car. I hadn't got further than just past the old trout farm, when who should I see coming towards me? Yes, you've guessed it - the man with the donkeys. I slowed down and wound my window down, and he was obliged to do the same.
"So we meet again, what a coincidence" I said with a smile. "Would you believe it" he said "my female donkey has run off as she's on heat". We exchanged a few more words about them - apparently the donkeys I saw him with the day before yesterday were mother and son, and the son is still suckling, so he has left with his mother. I have no idea whether this story is true, but I suspect not.
Then I said I could ring him if I saw them, and asked where I could reach him. He made a feeble attempt to look around for a number, then made some inaudible excuse, but told me where he lived - the other side of Col de la Crouzette. This gave me the chance to say, politely: "Yes, I know, I saw your car there. Are you M Quinquis?". He looked taken-aback, but said no, that the father died a while ago (Hélios, I suppose) and it was now Ivan, the son. This man said he was not M Quinquis, but said his name was Frédérick. The only Frédérick listed in the 'phone book at Bièrt is a Frédérick GAU, listed as living at Bagen (tel: 0561044820).
I then asked him if they still bred horses at the hamlet, and I can't remember his reply. I said that the first time I saw him - at Milles - he was with a beautiful black horse - did they breed from that horse? He gave me a searching look during this exchange (as if trying to work out whether I was on to him, perhaps?) and I can't remember his reply.
I said I wouldn't know how to catch a donkey, and I haven't got any fences, and as I can't ring him.....
So we left it at that and both drove off. I stopped at Milles as I was going to see Yvon, but a hunch sent me back to the side of the road to look back at our house. Sure enough, there were two cars stopped right behind my house, the green partner and a white/silver one, and they were obviously talking. Perhaps the same conversation about the lost donkeys, perhaps something else.
Then I waited by the side of the road, and not one but three cars came, one after the other. It is hunt day, so it's possibly that they were hunters who had spoken to him, but one thing I found odd - the driver of the second car (they passed too quickly for me to look at any numbers or makes) gave me an odd little wave - which is very, very unusual for French drivers. They normally pass you looking straight ahead, hardly ever smile or wave. Was it a friendly wave, or was it a cheeky wave saying 'we know you're watching us, watching you....'?
Anyway, once again I'm left wondering whether all of this is all just one big coincidence, or whether indeed we are being watched for the moment we both leave the house? Were they hunters or were they part of the team of people in old bangers regularly circling the house? Or maybe both??
Yesterday I telephoned the Gendarmerie at La Bastide de Sérou, and asked to speak to the lady, Mme Lebarre (?), but she had gone home. I started to tell the man that I had found out where the owner of the car lived, but he told me to stop doing the 'psycho', and hung up! It will be on his conscience if something happens to me. I feel it's only a matter of time until they re-visit this house.
Today, Monday 12th of October, towards midday, the dogs were outside and they both barked heartily. This has been quite a common occurrence, which is annoying, but I must admit that every time I go to see what they're barking at, there is always someone or something.
Today it was - guess who? - the same man I mentioned in the third paragraph of the above post. I said I would recognise him again, and indeed he has the same dogs with him, although this time with 2 donkeys, as opposed to a large saddle-less black horse like last time. He was walking up the hill, and obviously my dogs had barked when he went past our house.
So, like last time, I jumped in the car and drove up the hill, past him. Sure enough it was the same man (I recognised his bent nose!). I drove up the valley and contemplated calling in at a neighbour's house to ask him to come out onto the road as a witness, but as I said in my last Post, he wouldn't take me seriously, so I didn't bother. I then turned round and came down the valley again, and decided to engage him in conversation.
Obviously it was in French, but here's a rough approximation of what was said: Me "So we meet again!" Him: "Oui, bonjour" "there was a donkey hanging round my house a few weeks ago, for about a week, was it yours?" "No", "You have very nice donkeys - this one had a hoof with rather a long nail" "No, these are my donkeys, as you can see". Me: "Hello dogs" (to the large mastif-type dogs, quite friendly), Me: "Are you going far?" (it's already quite a walk from the bottom of the valley, and another 5kms up to the Col de Rille Him: "No, it's OK, not far...". I nearly asked him where he lived, but thought that would be rude and didn't want him to get annoyed. So I said I hoped he had a nice walk, and carried on down to my house.
Something made me carry on past my house, however, just to see whether there was anyone waiting for the 'all-clear' to come and burgle the house again. There was indeed a car down by the bridge (where a pile of wood has gone missing over the last few months), but no-one was in it. Indeed, after taking the numberplate (DD 365 TV 09, a dark green (again!) Peugeot Partner, from the Minniti Garage in Massat) I took a look inside - and it was someone who lives out of their car, I think. An old rucksack, a dogs bowl, leads, empty drink and biscuit boxes, a bag of rubbish, an old blanket, etc. Someone poor too, as it was all in shabby condition.
At this point it is relevant to mention that since I last wrote there have been more incidents of 'strangers' in these parts: at least 4 empty beer cans thrown by the side of the road, at different times (I pick them up), of the cheap and strong variety, plus other rubbish. Graffiti in the valley, which is new, plus again another cyclist who came up the valley but only as far as half way up our orchard, where I spotted him really craning his neck looking down across the orchard. It was that day that Trevor was working on our Landrover, ready for the MOT, and I think he was trying to see that, and not looking at the orchard.
Again I took the Twingo and drove up past him, stopped for a while and waited for him to come past. He never did, so I went back down the valley, only to catch him up at Milles, pedalling like mad. I slowed down and stopped him, to engage him in conversation: he was French and I said "So, you decided not to continue up the hill?" "Yes, I had a pain in my leg" he said. He then continued to pedal off down towards Rimont.
Perhaps I am foolish to keep engaging these people in conversation, but I have a very good idea, after all these years, of who is a real cyclist and/or pedestrian, and who is not. My gut reaction kicks in, and the people themselves give off a unnatural comportment, as if they have been found out. Needless to say there have been many other people who I have not 'accosted', who are indeed picking mushrooms, chestnuts, just cruising etc. There was also a young girl leading 2 carthorses last week down past the house - I was alerted by the dogs and went to see why they barked, but didn't pursue it further.
Also, not once or twice but seven times I have found freshly-used toilet paper around the house (and what goes with it - very unpleasant): once just behind in the woods, four times down by the bridge where the wood has been taken, once down by 'our' bridge on the forest track, and finally, just the other day, up on the forest track opposite, where there is an excellent vantage point of our house. You can see whether we're in or out, especially at night, and of course one of the few things stolen were some binoculars. I could tell this latter toilet paper was 'fresh' as it was still dry and very white, whereas we had had heavy rain just a few nights prior. This means someone is still roaming around the forest track, and I am assured that it is not the Hunters who do this type of thing.
At this point I should mention that there have been two burglaries of a plumber's workshop in Rimont since our own burglary: in July and August, on the day of the village Fête. I went to speak to the Plumber and we talked about it - the first time they entered by the side door and exited by the roof, and the second time in and out by the roof. I couldn't quite understand what they took, as he had a strong accent, but it was obviously unsettling for him, as it was his business premises, and the workshop was open when we spoke, and full of the tools of his trade.
I think these two burglaries happened at night, and I'm pretty sure ours must have as well - we left a light on in the living room, but being away it was not turned off at night, and if you were surveying a house, you'd be able to tell that it was a light left on, as opposed to someone being home. I'm also pretty sure that they called at the door the day before I left, as when I came home from shopping there were horse droppings on the drive - so they could have called on the pretext of getting some water - like the other man - just to see if we were in, and we weren't. If we go away temporarily, we now leave the dogs in the house, but at that time Trevor had Joe with him, and we hadn't yet found Beau, so there would have been no barking dogs.
Finally a neighbour told me on the 'phone this morning about another burglary at Rivernert - the next valley over from us, but not too far. I am going to hear the details tomorrow, and maybe it was years ago, but I'll note down what she tells me here anyway.
Incidentally, I did ring the Gendarmerie after some of these incidents, but as they said, the whole area is so big and there are only a few of them - they cannot be everywhere at once. I feel these highly-organised gangs know this only too well. I'd like to know who the man with the beard is, in the white Twingo...
UPDATE 13th October 2015
This morning I took Denise, the person who was born in our house and with whom we've spent many an hour reminiscing, to the cemetary at Biert to put some flowers on her family's graves. As I went to pick her up I noticed that the dark green Peugeot Partner (numberplate noted above) was still down by the bridge. As I came back, however, it had gone. I was fully expecting it to be parked on our drive, but it wasn't.
Then, after changing my shoes, we climbed the hill and went over the Cols de Rille and Crouzette, in order to get to Biert. What should I see parked at the first bend in the road after Col de la Crouzette, but the same green Peugeot partner! Same numberplate, same dents and scratches! So, now I know where our friend lives - for it was definitely his car - and he must have walked the donkeys up to his place, then walked down to get the car this morning.
Of course I have no proof that this man is anything to do with the burglary, but it is the same person who I caught talking to a man in a white Twingo at Milles, the driver of which shot off like a scalded cat, on 14th of July. My feeling is that they were hoping we'd be out, and that they could park on our drive and finish the job of getting the things they saw on the first visit.
This morning Denise spoke of a recent burglary at Rivernert, where they took everything, including the safe and the firearms. If it's the same gang who twice burgled the plumber at Rimont and our house, it's possible I'm onto something. I'd better be careful, and I'm reflecting carefully on the next step.
UPDATE 14th October 2015
Well, well, well! To say there's never a dull moment would be an understatement. This morning I decided to note down the serial numbers of our chainsaws, in case they're nicked (!), and after that I put them back in the loft. As I got near the loft window, I automatically looked out (I don't always) and who should I see coming down the valley in his green Peugeot Partner? Yes, our friend the donkey man, from Auragnou, the hamlet on the other side of Col de la Crouzette.
Yesterday I did a bit of sleuthing, and discovered that there is a horse Stud (Haras) at Auragnou, called 'Le Ticol'. On the internet it says it's run by Hélios and Govan Quinquis, (complete with 'phone numbers: 0561969481 and 0671534686) although in the 'phone book there is only Govan and Ivan Quinquis, stating that the latter lives at Le Rame, Bièrt. There is a Hélios (which is a bit of a coincidence) but his surname is 'Minguez', although his address is Auragnou (tel: 0561969482, just one digit away from the above number).
He went down the road, so I walked the dogs down to the bridge, but he wasn't there. Back at the house I had an idea: why don't I drive around the block, to Rimont and back, to see whether that green Peugeot was parked at Prommata, or in the village. So I locked the dogs in the house and jumped in the car. I hadn't got further than just past the old trout farm, when who should I see coming towards me? Yes, you've guessed it - the man with the donkeys. I slowed down and wound my window down, and he was obliged to do the same.
"So we meet again, what a coincidence" I said with a smile. "Would you believe it" he said "my female donkey has run off as she's on heat". We exchanged a few more words about them - apparently the donkeys I saw him with the day before yesterday were mother and son, and the son is still suckling, so he has left with his mother. I have no idea whether this story is true, but I suspect not.
Then I said I could ring him if I saw them, and asked where I could reach him. He made a feeble attempt to look around for a number, then made some inaudible excuse, but told me where he lived - the other side of Col de la Crouzette. This gave me the chance to say, politely: "Yes, I know, I saw your car there. Are you M Quinquis?". He looked taken-aback, but said no, that the father died a while ago (Hélios, I suppose) and it was now Ivan, the son. This man said he was not M Quinquis, but said his name was Frédérick. The only Frédérick listed in the 'phone book at Bièrt is a Frédérick GAU, listed as living at Bagen (tel: 0561044820).
I then asked him if they still bred horses at the hamlet, and I can't remember his reply. I said that the first time I saw him - at Milles - he was with a beautiful black horse - did they breed from that horse? He gave me a searching look during this exchange (as if trying to work out whether I was on to him, perhaps?) and I can't remember his reply.
I said I wouldn't know how to catch a donkey, and I haven't got any fences, and as I can't ring him.....
So we left it at that and both drove off. I stopped at Milles as I was going to see Yvon, but a hunch sent me back to the side of the road to look back at our house. Sure enough, there were two cars stopped right behind my house, the green partner and a white/silver one, and they were obviously talking. Perhaps the same conversation about the lost donkeys, perhaps something else.
Then I waited by the side of the road, and not one but three cars came, one after the other. It is hunt day, so it's possibly that they were hunters who had spoken to him, but one thing I found odd - the driver of the second car (they passed too quickly for me to look at any numbers or makes) gave me an odd little wave - which is very, very unusual for French drivers. They normally pass you looking straight ahead, hardly ever smile or wave. Was it a friendly wave, or was it a cheeky wave saying 'we know you're watching us, watching you....'?
Anyway, once again I'm left wondering whether all of this is all just one big coincidence, or whether indeed we are being watched for the moment we both leave the house? Were they hunters or were they part of the team of people in old bangers regularly circling the house? Or maybe both??
Yesterday I telephoned the Gendarmerie at La Bastide de Sérou, and asked to speak to the lady, Mme Lebarre (?), but she had gone home. I started to tell the man that I had found out where the owner of the car lived, but he told me to stop doing the 'psycho', and hung up! It will be on his conscience if something happens to me. I feel it's only a matter of time until they re-visit this house.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Geoengineering and Genocide
I don't post much about this phenomenon anymore, as no-one - and I mean no-one - will take it seriously, preferring to shoot the messenger. So I look at the skies, try to avoid breathing it all in, and sink lower into pessimism. It's behind all the talking heads on TV, it's on loads of billboards for advertising, it's all over and constant - which is quite something for a secret programme!
Anyway here are two important links:
Plus I found a fantastic article about the health aspects of fly ash, which is one of the materials being sprayed on us, but it has been 'retracted'. I'm going to write to them to ask why, but meanwhile I wonder whether this link will work?
No, but here is the title:
'Evidence Coal-Fly-Ash toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health'
ISSN 1660 - 4601
Published in the:
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Received: 29/6/15; Accepted: 5/8/15; Published: 11/8/15; Retracted: 2/9/15.
Anyway here are two important links:
Plus I found a fantastic article about the health aspects of fly ash, which is one of the materials being sprayed on us, but it has been 'retracted'. I'm going to write to them to ask why, but meanwhile I wonder whether this link will work?
No, but here is the title:
'Evidence Coal-Fly-Ash toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health'
ISSN 1660 - 4601
Published in the:
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Received: 29/6/15; Accepted: 5/8/15; Published: 11/8/15; Retracted: 2/9/15.
The Truth - About Markets and Everything Else
Max and Stacy hit it out of the ball-park with this concise, cogent, convincing steam-of-consciousness, and one is left to wonder "where will it all end?". I think we know now, and it begins with 'F':
Soon even doing this will be illegal.
Soon even doing this will be illegal.
Helicopter Money
A fantastic conversation about money creation, heliopter money and the problems related to central planning:
Monday, October 5, 2015
British Foreign Policy
Blimey, never expected the British Government to agree with me and come right out and say it:
Creative Destruction Event
Brought to you and designed by the Global Financiers, who control the US Federal Reserve:
Friday, October 2, 2015
Blockchain and the Monetary Reset
Here's a great talk by someone on our side:
But the bad guys are also all over this story, so who will win?
But the bad guys are also all over this story, so who will win?
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Multilateral Debt Restructuring
Slipping by almost un-noticed is this UN Resolution which exactly mirrors the Shemitah debt forgiveness debate that has been all over the internet:
And we know who own Reuters, don't we?
And we know who own Reuters, don't we?
Friday, September 18, 2015
...and their secret plan to take over the world!! Really!!
Here's my comment on the MK website:
We rumbled this whole story – what? – six months ago??
Do you have any of my comments about the Brand of Red, by any chance??
Here is Vonda's reply:
on the quick … pt 1
pt 2:
pt 3:
Here's my comment on the MK website:
susan says:
We rumbled this whole story – what? – six months ago??
Do you have any of my comments about the Brand of Red, by any chance??
Here is Vonda's reply:
Vonda Bra says:
@ susanon the quick … pt 1
Vonda Bra says:
@ susanpt 2:
pt 3:
Me: So, we nailed these smoke-and-mirrors people once again!!
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Et Voilà!
Here's my latest comment on Max Keiser's site:
The REAL reason Corbyn has been selected:
‘Bringing down the U.S. and the dollar, or at least greatly diminishing the U.S. to third world status, has the potential to greatly benefit the Fabian socialists at the top of the pyramid. Such a crisis makes the idea of centralization and global economic administration a more enticing concept.’
So, as I predicted, JC Collins’ and JW’s predictions are converging. Rate hike today, financial instability, solution brought forward, collapse avoided, banksters consolidate, game over.
susan says:
‘Bringing down the U.S. and the dollar, or at least greatly diminishing the U.S. to third world status, has the potential to greatly benefit the Fabian socialists at the top of the pyramid. Such a crisis makes the idea of centralization and global economic administration a more enticing concept.’
So, as I predicted, JC Collins’ and JW’s predictions are converging. Rate hike today, financial instability, solution brought forward, collapse avoided, banksters consolidate, game over.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Dollar Devaluation
More on the global financial changes from our insider:
The War on Cash
The Central Planners are really starting to unleash their plans for humanity now, so luckily there are journalists out there like Michael Krieger who keep pointing out their evil plans:
Note: Financial Times owned by You Know Who.
Note: Financial Times owned by You Know Who.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
War on Women
From Karen Carpenter, who sang beautifully about love, to Linda McCartney, who wanted people to eat healthy vegetarian food, to Anita Roddick, who wanted people to buy decent products in bulk and re-use (not recycle) plastic bottles, to Maathai Wangari, who wanted everyone to plant hundreds of trees.........
All of these women, and countless others, have been at the forefront of innovation, with ideas to improve society, improve human health and improve the planet.
That`s why they couldn`t be allowed to live.
All of these women, and countless others, have been at the forefront of innovation, with ideas to improve society, improve human health and improve the planet.
That`s why they couldn`t be allowed to live.
Well here we are in the month of September, with a real feeling of foreboding.
However there are some small chinks in the armour of those who would take over this planet, in the form of some brilliant journalism. Here Joachim talks to Morris about the reality of the situation in Ukraine - which is about as far from the BBC version of events as you can get:
However there are some small chinks in the armour of those who would take over this planet, in the form of some brilliant journalism. Here Joachim talks to Morris about the reality of the situation in Ukraine - which is about as far from the BBC version of events as you can get:
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Economics of a Crash
Excellent analysis from the terribly British Alasdair Macleod:
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
The Role of Gold
An excellent overview of gold`s role within the international financial system, proving once again that you shouldn`t listen to the tripe that Central Bankers tell you:
The Georgia Guidestones
I talked with some friends recently about this monument in the USA, as they`d never heard of it. In this interview the compiler of a new documentary explains how he uncovered the origins of the person behind their construction. Also, near the end of the interview, he reveals some pretty `hot` information about the book series he`s working on now - which makes me worry about him taking small `plane rides.
Have a listen:
Have a listen:
Monday, August 24, 2015
Change is Coming...
Actually, this is quite good! No-one has been more sceptical than me of Russel Brand and his motives, but in this clip he does eloquently speak a lot of truth and makes some excellent points:
Visiting family members have decided not to cash-in an endowment policy just yet, as the rates have dropped. They`re going to wait until the return picks up a bit.
Oh dear.
Oh dear.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Wet Work
A couple of months ago we were burgled. Somewhere between 17-19 June, when I left to do an Immersion English course, and Trevor had gone to the mountains with his friends. Nothing new there, millions of people are burgled every year. They took an old computer and all the paperwork pinned to the office wall - presumably to look for passwords? They opened every drawer and every cupboard, and tipped my jewelry case out on the bed, crow-barred open an old briefcase, and rifled in the office drawer looking for valuables.
Since then, however, instead of it being a one-off event, we`ve had repeated visits and drive-bys of sinister looking (and feeling, to my sixth sense) men, all with the objective, in my opinion, of surveilling the house until the next time we leave it.
It is my belief that there is a team of people, who take it in turns to come past the house, to see whether we`re in. So far - believe it or not - there have been: a man walking a horse with his two mastiff-type blonde dogs (I engaged him in conversation and would recognise him again); a man calling at the house for some water (I engaged him in conversation and would recognise him again); two young lads on bicycles calling out "Il y a quelqu`un" and "Cou-cou la maison" when they got near the house, not knowing I was there watching (I engaged them in conversation and would recognise them again); a man on an old bike, dressed for Winter on a hot day, with a black beard and long black hair, and two large black and brown dogs, who went up the valley, came down again, and then headed off towards St Girons on the Piste Verte from Rimont (I followed him from a distance).
Also the man who came for the water had an old banger of a vehicle, although I didn`t get the numberplate. He said he was a `tourist` in broken French, and asked for the `auto-routes` (sic). The numberplate of the car was `09` however. I believe it is this car that I saw on the hair-pin of the forest track behind our house on 20th August, when I was leaving for a meeting. A little further on, the same day, there was another old banger, empty, at the top of the descent of a track that leads to the river. Finally, yesterday, another trip up the forest track revealed the second car (same numberplate) moving off slowly (I slowed down and said `Bonjour` to the driver, to get a look at his face, although I`m not sure I`d recognise him again) and further on, unbelievably, another old banger with a passenger sitting there, but no driver.
No point me mentioning this to anyone, as no-one takes me seriously, but I know for a fact they were not mushrooming, as everyone will say. It was the wrong time of day, the wrong weather and the wrong sort of cars and people. My sixth sense tells me these were people taking it in turns to watch our house. Funny that out of the few things that were stolen were a pair of good binoculars.
The first man I mentioned, alongside his horse, met at Milles with a man in a car coming the other way - a white Twingo the same as ours, and the driver was white, middle-aged with a fluffy white beard. It is my belief that had we not been `at home` (it was 14th July) then the Twingo would have parked on the drive and they could have broken in and taken all the tools, without anyone passing batting an eyelid. I should mention here that the day before I left for that Course in June, there were horse-droppings on the drive, indicating a visitor, plus some more up at the top of the forest track - from where you get a very good look at the back of our house (which is where they entered, breaking two double-glazed windows and forcing door).
The man who came to ask for water could indeed have been a tourist, except for his lack of teeth, his filthy trousers and his eyes, which darted everywhere whilst I escorted him off the premises. I indicated the way to the main road, and he left, only to turn round at the bottom by the bridge, and go back up the hill, thinking I wasn`t watching.
This morning, Wednesday 26th August, I found another piece of used toilet paper at the top of the forest track, and my husband confirmed that one of the dogs had had it earlier. Later in the day the same dog ran up to above the road, and sure enough, found what looked like a half-buried pile of human excrement. That is the third time I`ve found similar near our house, identified by used toilet tissue, which animals don`t use!
Finally this evening, 26th August, my nephew and I went out late to look for some abandoned kittens down near Milles. On coming back, we both saw a strong red light just behind our house, which shone for a while and then went out. It wasn`t two lights, as in car lights, it was one strong light. We went down the forest track, but there was no car there, nor was there sign of one going up the hill (at night in the woods it`s easy to see far away cars from their headlights, especially when there are no street lights). Very bizarre.
So there you have it - a string of incidents which I wanted to note down somewhere. On 20th August I did telephone the Gendarmerie at La Bastide de Serou again (that is where I filed the original report after the break-in) to ask if they could circulate from time to time in our valley, but he said the area is too large for them to patrol and it wouldn`t really be useful. I do understand, of course, that there is nothing they can do until after the `event`, as all of this is just anecdotal evidence, and it`s not illegal to park up by someone`s house!
For the record, however, here are the three car numberplates: 1st car: 5704 GW 09, a Citroen ZX, colour dark green; old and in bad condition; 2nd: DH365 YC 09, Renault 1.9, dark grey, old and in bad condition; 3rd car: 6028 GB 09, Ford Fiesta, dark blue, old and in poor condition.
It is a testament to my dark sense of humour that I have entitled this post `wet work`, which is a term used by the Mafia when they wanted someone `taken care of`. The word was put out, and then the target `met with an accident`. I just hope that we don`t have a `bungled burglary` on our hands any time soon, where someone gets hurt, but I must admit, I`m nervous.
UPDATE : Yesterday, 23rd of August, three family members and the two dogs left the house to go for a walk. As they were going down the hill, a rather strange man was walking up the hill carrying a red umbrella. He didn`t appear to want to talk, and carried on up. This is in a valley where there are hardly ever walkers, as it`s too far to come, and too steep, so maybe two-three walkers a year come past our house.
The family members carried on exploring the valley, and when they started coming back up the hill, the man with the brolly was coming back down. The time elapsed had not been enough for him to visit the next nearest hamlet, Pombole, so we can only assume that he had gone some way past our house, turned round and come back down again. Where was he going and what was he doing? Strange.
Since then, however, instead of it being a one-off event, we`ve had repeated visits and drive-bys of sinister looking (and feeling, to my sixth sense) men, all with the objective, in my opinion, of surveilling the house until the next time we leave it.
It is my belief that there is a team of people, who take it in turns to come past the house, to see whether we`re in. So far - believe it or not - there have been: a man walking a horse with his two mastiff-type blonde dogs (I engaged him in conversation and would recognise him again); a man calling at the house for some water (I engaged him in conversation and would recognise him again); two young lads on bicycles calling out "Il y a quelqu`un" and "Cou-cou la maison" when they got near the house, not knowing I was there watching (I engaged them in conversation and would recognise them again); a man on an old bike, dressed for Winter on a hot day, with a black beard and long black hair, and two large black and brown dogs, who went up the valley, came down again, and then headed off towards St Girons on the Piste Verte from Rimont (I followed him from a distance).
Also the man who came for the water had an old banger of a vehicle, although I didn`t get the numberplate. He said he was a `tourist` in broken French, and asked for the `auto-routes` (sic). The numberplate of the car was `09` however. I believe it is this car that I saw on the hair-pin of the forest track behind our house on 20th August, when I was leaving for a meeting. A little further on, the same day, there was another old banger, empty, at the top of the descent of a track that leads to the river. Finally, yesterday, another trip up the forest track revealed the second car (same numberplate) moving off slowly (I slowed down and said `Bonjour` to the driver, to get a look at his face, although I`m not sure I`d recognise him again) and further on, unbelievably, another old banger with a passenger sitting there, but no driver.
No point me mentioning this to anyone, as no-one takes me seriously, but I know for a fact they were not mushrooming, as everyone will say. It was the wrong time of day, the wrong weather and the wrong sort of cars and people. My sixth sense tells me these were people taking it in turns to watch our house. Funny that out of the few things that were stolen were a pair of good binoculars.
The first man I mentioned, alongside his horse, met at Milles with a man in a car coming the other way - a white Twingo the same as ours, and the driver was white, middle-aged with a fluffy white beard. It is my belief that had we not been `at home` (it was 14th July) then the Twingo would have parked on the drive and they could have broken in and taken all the tools, without anyone passing batting an eyelid. I should mention here that the day before I left for that Course in June, there were horse-droppings on the drive, indicating a visitor, plus some more up at the top of the forest track - from where you get a very good look at the back of our house (which is where they entered, breaking two double-glazed windows and forcing door).
The man who came to ask for water could indeed have been a tourist, except for his lack of teeth, his filthy trousers and his eyes, which darted everywhere whilst I escorted him off the premises. I indicated the way to the main road, and he left, only to turn round at the bottom by the bridge, and go back up the hill, thinking I wasn`t watching.
This morning, Wednesday 26th August, I found another piece of used toilet paper at the top of the forest track, and my husband confirmed that one of the dogs had had it earlier. Later in the day the same dog ran up to above the road, and sure enough, found what looked like a half-buried pile of human excrement. That is the third time I`ve found similar near our house, identified by used toilet tissue, which animals don`t use!
Finally this evening, 26th August, my nephew and I went out late to look for some abandoned kittens down near Milles. On coming back, we both saw a strong red light just behind our house, which shone for a while and then went out. It wasn`t two lights, as in car lights, it was one strong light. We went down the forest track, but there was no car there, nor was there sign of one going up the hill (at night in the woods it`s easy to see far away cars from their headlights, especially when there are no street lights). Very bizarre.
So there you have it - a string of incidents which I wanted to note down somewhere. On 20th August I did telephone the Gendarmerie at La Bastide de Serou again (that is where I filed the original report after the break-in) to ask if they could circulate from time to time in our valley, but he said the area is too large for them to patrol and it wouldn`t really be useful. I do understand, of course, that there is nothing they can do until after the `event`, as all of this is just anecdotal evidence, and it`s not illegal to park up by someone`s house!
For the record, however, here are the three car numberplates: 1st car: 5704 GW 09, a Citroen ZX, colour dark green; old and in bad condition; 2nd: DH365 YC 09, Renault 1.9, dark grey, old and in bad condition; 3rd car: 6028 GB 09, Ford Fiesta, dark blue, old and in poor condition.
It is a testament to my dark sense of humour that I have entitled this post `wet work`, which is a term used by the Mafia when they wanted someone `taken care of`. The word was put out, and then the target `met with an accident`. I just hope that we don`t have a `bungled burglary` on our hands any time soon, where someone gets hurt, but I must admit, I`m nervous.
UPDATE : Yesterday, 23rd of August, three family members and the two dogs left the house to go for a walk. As they were going down the hill, a rather strange man was walking up the hill carrying a red umbrella. He didn`t appear to want to talk, and carried on up. This is in a valley where there are hardly ever walkers, as it`s too far to come, and too steep, so maybe two-three walkers a year come past our house.
The family members carried on exploring the valley, and when they started coming back up the hill, the man with the brolly was coming back down. The time elapsed had not been enough for him to visit the next nearest hamlet, Pombole, so we can only assume that he had gone some way past our house, turned round and come back down again. Where was he going and what was he doing? Strange.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Tax Avoidance, Shelf Corporations and the Network of Control
Not often you hear so much fact-based information in a short podcast. This is the reason poverty, unemployemnt and crime are going up - and as usual, it leads straight to the top:
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Turn It All Upside Down
Unfortunately the prevailing narrative is still `white man good, tell truth` and `brown man bad, tells lies`. The vast majority of white people will gullibly swallow anything - ANTHING - that their so-called `leaders` tell them.
This interview turns everything on its head, and gives you the truth about the psychology of Empire - lies, lies, damned lies:
Great interview chaps! What, what!
This interview turns everything on its head, and gives you the truth about the psychology of Empire - lies, lies, damned lies:
Great interview chaps! What, what!
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Shadow Stats
By `shadow`, the inimitable, modest and honest John Williams tells us that he has the REAL US economic figures. The official figures have been manipulated and massaged so much, and policy decisions have been based on this false information, that an economic collapse is almost inevitable.
This interview should be shared:
This interview should be shared:
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
SDR Basket Review Postponed
...until September 2016. I wonder why?
{see paras 71-73}.
{see paras 71-73}.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Wilful Ignorance
There can be no excuse these days for not finding out answers to some difficult questions. I have little patience recently for people who are finding themselves living in a whirlpool of rapidly changing and deteriorating circumstances if they didn't at least take the time to try to understand the world in which they live and how it works. If we had all done that a few decades ago, we wouldn't be in this mess - so whose fault is it??
Rant Off.
Correction: this message does NOT apply to people who live in the developing world who are working 12 hours a day just to make ends meet, nor to people who don't have electricity or running water. It applies to people in the West who have squandered their free time, their intellect and their money on mere distractions, and continue to do so. It will be difficult to have a lot of sympathy, when their own world starts to shake and crumble, as it has done for so many others around the globe already.
Rant Off.
Correction: this message does NOT apply to people who live in the developing world who are working 12 hours a day just to make ends meet, nor to people who don't have electricity or running water. It applies to people in the West who have squandered their free time, their intellect and their money on mere distractions, and continue to do so. It will be difficult to have a lot of sympathy, when their own world starts to shake and crumble, as it has done for so many others around the globe already.
What Do You Own?
Here's a great interview where the depth of the financial and political corrupton is laid bare. Listen and weep:
Thursday, July 30, 2015
For The Record
My prediction, as posted on the Max Keiser website today:
susan says:
Deflationary collapse? Hyperinflation? Too much debt? Derivitive meltdown?I’m increasingly coming around the CAF’s point of view – and that is that the debt saturation is deliberate and a way of entrapment, so that they can pull the plug at any time – BEING THE CREDITORS – and most of us will be endebted to them – perfect!
The money is not real, so the creditors haven’t really lost anything, but what have they gained by inflating this bubble? Well, they seem to have bought up all of the real assets on the planet, and we will become permanently (italics) endebted.
At this time, my best guess is that they will run the planet as a well-run Company, make it sustainable, bring forth all of the renewables, close the oil fields, the gold mines, the silver mines, the environmentally hazardous operations and start making this a much greener world, including cleaning up Fukushima, where the individual doesn’t have too much freedom, but at least has clean air to breathe…..
Makes sense, doesn’t it??
(This is the interview that prompted the above thought:)
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie
Never was, never will be. This is a good interview, and is what REAL journalism should be:
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Oh Dear!
I'll give you time to grab a coffee or a strong drink:
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Liquidity Problem? No problem!
Here comes the SDR! Ta-Dahh!! Just what we've all been waiting for.
I must admit it looks like JC has it all off pat - not surprising for an insider, but still it's useful to have this analysis of what the grand lords of finance are up to:
I must admit it looks like JC has it all off pat - not surprising for an insider, but still it's useful to have this analysis of what the grand lords of finance are up to:
Friday, July 24, 2015
War, Collapse or Change?
Fantastic interview (that I may have posted before) with Catherine Austin Fitts, where she talks oh-so-matter-of-factly about the psychopaths, the leveraged buy-outs, the indebtedness being deliberate and enabling certain parties to buy everything on the cheap, and much, much more:
NB They're both Christian, so if you're not, you'll have to excuse the Biblical references.
NB They're both Christian, so if you're not, you'll have to excuse the Biblical references.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
The Fed is Out of Bullets
Well there's only one thing worse than there being a massive global conspiracy, being managed and guided by complete psychopaths - and that's having a bunch of clueless half-wits in charge of the global finances who haven't got a clue what to do next!
This is a great interview with Nomi Prins, who is able to break down complex issues into an easily understandable format. What she describes is terrifying:
FWIW, I think there are probably a large number of banking employees who haven't got a clue how we got into this mess, but I suspect that the BIS is exactly where it wants to be.
This is a great interview with Nomi Prins, who is able to break down complex issues into an easily understandable format. What she describes is terrifying:
FWIW, I think there are probably a large number of banking employees who haven't got a clue how we got into this mess, but I suspect that the BIS is exactly where it wants to be.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015
China's Gold Holdings
China (or is it 'China'?) has just announced its gold holdings. Are they fibbing?
Friday, July 17, 2015
Write-Down of Odious Debts
...this is all part of the scam the banksters are running. In a
debt-based currency system, debt inevitably builds to unsupportable
levels and must be periodically written-down. By using the odious debt
approach, they are making this writedown look like it’s part of a
“freedom movement.” And they are using this phony freedom movement to
bring in their NWO system.
But of course! They wouldn't want to be seen to be manipulating global events, now would they?
But of course! They wouldn't want to be seen to be manipulating global events, now would they?
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
SDR Negotiations
Well here it is, all laid out in black and white. This is where we are heading, and there`s not 1% of the human population who is aware of it. I suppose it is the only time I will be a member of the 1%:
As I said in a comment on his site, I still think it`s a shame about all the dead. This could have been achieved via alternative means, without all of the Hegelian dialectic wars, without the propaganda, without the `global warming CO2` dis-information, without the geoengineering.
But if `they` had done it that way, we`d know who to point our fingers at, and we`d know who to blame. We`d know that `democracy` has been a sham for a long time, and we`d know that there are powerful people pulling strings.
The way they have carried this plan out is to give maximum `plausible deniability` and to be able to stay in the shadows and profit vastly from all of the turmoil and chaos, buying up assets and land for pennies on the dollar. The result is that we really will have `owners`, like Geoerge Carlin said.
As I said in a comment on his site, I still think it`s a shame about all the dead. This could have been achieved via alternative means, without all of the Hegelian dialectic wars, without the propaganda, without the `global warming CO2` dis-information, without the geoengineering.
But if `they` had done it that way, we`d know who to point our fingers at, and we`d know who to blame. We`d know that `democracy` has been a sham for a long time, and we`d know that there are powerful people pulling strings.
The way they have carried this plan out is to give maximum `plausible deniability` and to be able to stay in the shadows and profit vastly from all of the turmoil and chaos, buying up assets and land for pennies on the dollar. The result is that we really will have `owners`, like Geoerge Carlin said.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Monday, July 13, 2015
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Friday, June 26, 2015
Understanding Hidden Plots
This brilliant analysis lays it all out for posterity:
Unfortunately, history is written by the victors, and they will write something very different, amounting to a "who could have known" and "there was this domino effect...". Yeah, right - they`re not fooling ALL of us, only MOST of us.
Unfortunately, history is written by the victors, and they will write something very different, amounting to a "who could have known" and "there was this domino effect...". Yeah, right - they`re not fooling ALL of us, only MOST of us.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
The New Silk Road
Whilst it's all doom-and-gloom in the West, the East makes massive projects for new infrastructure - joining Asia to Europe:
Incorporating some 60 countries, apparently.
Incorporating some 60 countries, apparently.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Collapse Alert
From trader Gregory Mannarino:
Another site, 'philosophyofmetrics' says that this is all smoke and mirrors and that a huge resource-based economy is ahead, arranged by the IMF in a debt-restructuring scenario and that we should just relax.
Personally I'm not willing to trust one website who goes against the grain, especially with the new news coming out of China and Russia, about alternative financial systems. POM doesn't address resource depletion either, even though I've asked him.
Another site, 'philosophyofmetrics' says that this is all smoke and mirrors and that a huge resource-based economy is ahead, arranged by the IMF in a debt-restructuring scenario and that we should just relax.
Personally I'm not willing to trust one website who goes against the grain, especially with the new news coming out of China and Russia, about alternative financial systems. POM doesn't address resource depletion either, even though I've asked him.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD)
People haven`t got a clue what is coming. We are being encouraged to hate the several and various enemies, and the drums of war are beating, whilst the Banks are planning to bail-in ALL depositors money - and soon too:
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
NY FED Moving
Why is the New York Federal Reserve moving from New York (on the coast...) to Chicago (inland, known home of gangsters, etc) AND bricking up their windows?
Maybe they know something that we don't?
Coming in September 2015?
Maybe they know something that we don't?
Coming in September 2015?
13th September 2015
A day of infamy?
Remember it doesn't matter whether YOU believe or not - the people who run the financial world believe. They believe they are doing God's work.
Remember it doesn't matter whether YOU believe or not - the people who run the financial world believe. They believe they are doing God's work.
Far Fewer Posts
Well, I feel it's all been said, and read and printed, and shared. We're definitely in the end game now, and by the beginning of next year the world will be a different place.
For those who haven't prepared, physically and psychologically, it's going to be one helluva ride. Even those who feel they have prepared are going to find it shocking that the reality has actually come about.
Brave New World!
For those who haven't prepared, physically and psychologically, it's going to be one helluva ride. Even those who feel they have prepared are going to find it shocking that the reality has actually come about.
Brave New World!
Friday, May 29, 2015
Who Could Have Known?
Another piece of the puzzle falls into place, preparing for the financial implosion:
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Not Victimless Crimes
A six billion (with a `B`) dollar fine and admittance of wrong-doing for the too-big-to-fail-too-big-to-jail Banks, and they carry on as normal. Meanwhile thousands, millions, even billions (with a `B`) of lives have been adverserly affected, even ruined by these criminals.
As Gerald Celente says "It`s not just-ice, it`s just-us":
As Gerald Celente says "It`s not just-ice, it`s just-us":
Coming Into the Light
Unfortunately not a hippy-dippy article about healing, peace and love - more of a slow, difficult waking-up into the nightmare of who is really running this world, how and why. These two articles really tell it like it is, but the majority are still very unwilling to believe it:
And here`s their timetable:
Brilliant work. The only trouble is now, what to do about it?
And here`s their timetable:
Brilliant work. The only trouble is now, what to do about it?
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