This would make a good film, but it wouldn't be shown on the BBC! Listed here for info, what we've been discussing in the KR Comments' section, from Vonda:
@ susan | @ ALL
“susan´s list” – 28.2.16
here is the survey-summary of what I have gathered from all your posts so far:
note: when using the list … the list can only be a rough tool, it
canNOT substitute your own research, thought-processes and drawing your
own conclusions.
The UNIVERSAL MOTTO can only be:
Group 1: good guys (in no particular order)
Jon Rappaport
Jm Stone
Jim Willie
Clif High
Mike Maloney
Matt Taibbi
James Turk
CAF (Cathrine Austin Fits)
James Corbett
Prof J Farrell
Gerald Celente
Dmitri Orlov
Chris Martensen
Rob Kirby
John Williams
Nomi Prins
Alastair Macleod
Ry Dawson
Sibel Edmonds
Pepe Escobar
Ellen Brown
Patrick Henningsen
Gilad Azmon
Koos Janssen
Patrick Roddie
Dane Wigington
Bill Black
G. Edward Griffin (The Creature from Jekyll Island)
Wayne Madsen
Andy Hoffman
Craig Hemke (The Turd)
V-the Guerilla economist
Chris Duane
Ron Paul
Ken O`Keefe
John Titus (BestEvidence)
Joaquin Flores
William F. Engdahl
Max Igan
Brandon Smith
Hugo Salinas Price
Lars Schall
Ray Mc Govern
Dark Journalist
Christopher Bollyn
Abel Danger
Zen Gardner
Ole Dammegard
David Talbott
Wal Thornhill
Paul LaViolette
Mark Passio
Michael Tsarion
John B Wells
Richie Allen
Patrick Wood (Technocrazy rising)
Matt Simmons
Nicola Tesla
Alan Turing
Ian Murdock
William Cooper (Behold a pale horse)
Dave Kranzler
* * *
Group 2: opaque / dodgy/ evasive /not-yet-awake/ unclear: agenda-driven?/ islamophobes
JC Collins
Greg Hunter
Bill Holter
Karen Hudes
Bix Weir
PCR (Paul Craig Roberts)
Martin Armstrong
Webster Tarpley
George Galloway
Max & Stacy
Alex Jones
Harry Dent
Jeff Berwick
Reggie Middelton
Keith Neumeyer
Stephen F. Cohen+
Noam Chomsky
Prof. Steve Keen
(Umberto Eco)
* * *
Group 3: shills / bad guys / deceivers / on the wrong side / slime-balls
Michael Snyder
Marshall Swing
Bo Polny
All politicians
All MSM ‘journalists’
George Noory
Russell Brand
* * *
Group 4: definitely nasty
Jim Rickards
Gordon Duff
George Soros
All Rothschilds
All Rockerfellers
Alan Greenspan
Bill Gates
* * *
other nominees / names with no particular Group-allocation:
Bill Still
John Perkins
Luke Rudkowski
Chris Hedges
Naomi Klein
Tom Wood
Judy Wood
Abby Martin
Edward Snowden
Julian Assange
Cory Doctorow
John Young – Cryptome
Cornel West
* * *
Satoshi ?
for the future:
In order to keep the list going, please post any further nominees
here on the KR-threads (name + a group 1,2,3, or 4 – if possible),
to make them available to all here, to be added to everyone's personal list.
THANKS @ all for participating!!!

THANKS @ susan for the idea!

And another List where people haven't been allocated:
@ all
re: “the list”
probable “new entries” (forgotten or neglected) waiting for your votes:
new entries: (in no particular order)
David Stockman ? (G1-Von)
Peter Schiff (G1 – Von)
David Shayler (bbrebozo) ? RAS
David Icke ? – for lifetime achievement
Eric Sprott ?
X22 Report + X22 Report spotlight ?
Jason Burack (Wallstreet4Mainstreet- YT) ?
AMTV (Christopher Green) ?
silverfuturist ?
Dr. Schoon ?
Ann Barnhard ?
Brother John F. ?
Brother Nathaniel
SGT-Report ?
RT- Cross Talk (Peter Lavelle) ?
Ian R. Crane
Danny Shekter (passed) – for lifetime achievement
Bob Chapman (passed) f- or lifetime achievement
Jeff Berwick (Dollar Vigilante)
TrueNews (Rick Wiles) ?
The Power Hour (Joyce Riley) ?
Paul Sandhu
Global Research
Prof. Michel Chossoudovsky ?
Stephan Molyneux ?
Dave Hodges ?
BIN (Before its News)
wOtm (“An Engineer’s Look at Silver”)
Mark McGohan (Artist Taxi Driver)
Greg Mannarino ?
I hope, I can handle this ????

example: just post —> Peter Schiff (G1) f.e. that enough …
I`ll do the rest …hopefully!

And this is how they’ll get there (difference of opinion on War – I’m with JC on this, where talk of war is actually jaw-jaw to achieve objectives):
(Blind Welsh ‘Poets’ look away)
So, the Brand of Red and Corbyn will re-emerge triumphant, after having re-learned their part of the Script from YKW.
Still wondering how these masters of the Universe will heal the biosphere. Shutting down global trade and commerce is one way to do it, of course. Getting rid of money and introducing Scrip, which can only be spent in certain ways (renewables) is another. Getting rid of bothersome useless eaters is easier with ration/food stamps to be spent at your local Supermarket on ONLY GMO foods,vaccines for everyone, etc.
So we can look forward to global Socialism with global eugenics: it was The Fabian Society all along! And we nailed it here in this Comments’ Section! About a year ago!
(Pats self on back, goes to make another coffee and drinks it in garden)
Always amusing to hear the heavy, heavy spin from the US Anchors!