Thursday, April 28, 2011
Nicole Foss
Smart Grids
Wiki, of course, have an entirely positive spin on this invasive technology:
Shell Post Profits
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Obama's Birth Certificate
World Bank Eyes Libya
Russia Pulls out of Dollar
Gold $1527; Silver $47.80; Oil $113 as of 2210 on Wed 27th April 2011.
Matt Taibbi on The Keiser Report
Ellen Brown
Fukushima - Nuclear Atomic Explosions?
Global Settlements Foundation
I hope they hurry up.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Koch Brothers = Nazis
A little bit of history on the family:
BRICS Pull The Plug on the Dollar
I believe we will have a future more well-adjusted to what the resources of the planet can provide, and this will see the eventual disappearance of mega-cities, amongst other too-high-tech creations, but the interim period is going to be very, very volatile - unless the Chinese have already thought of that, and can put in place the Global Settlements plan swiftly and painlessly.
De toute façon, they have had enough of the Gordon Gecko's of this world, and all of those people who have a deep-seated white supremacist world-view are about to get a rude awakening. George Carlin was right, we shouldn't have kept killing the 'brown people'. Revenge must taste sweet.
Gold: $1516. Silver: $48.84. Oil: $112.70 as of 0721 Monday April 25th.
And here's why:
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Webster Tarpley
Libya - Another Reason To Invade
China Has Had Enough
US Debt $200 Trillion (with a T)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
BP awarded No-Compete Contracts
Friday, April 22, 2011
Plus this recent article:
Kissinger & Libya
Another Fracking Accident
Benzine in The Blood
Oh yes, and here's an interesting item I came across the other day, about where the CEO of BP ended up, after he heroically fell on his sword after this disaster (clue: he didn't suffer much):
Oil Supply Charts
China cuts off Oil Exports
Time to sell the Humvee.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Libya Tried to Move to Gold-Backed Currency
This information ties in very well with other info gleaned re China and the BRICS putting forward an alternative global currency, and explains why Fulford said the Banksters are getting desperate, as their funds are being cut off, as well as their access to oil priced in dollars:
Sounds and smells like the truth to me.
Do We Have Feudalism Yet?
Free Energy
And this:
Letter From Vittorio's Mother
even outside the home or to die in order to stay human? I remember the Vittorio at
Christmas 2005, when he was imprisoned at Ben Gurion airport, the scars of the handcuffs
which had cut off his pulse, the denied contacts to the consulate, the mockery trial. And the
Easter of the same year, when he was stopped by the Israeli police at the Jordanian border,
directly behind Allenby Bridge, to prevent him from entering Israel, when he was loaded
onto a bus and seven of them, one of them a policewoman, beat him “with art”, without
leaving external signs, true professionals that they are, they threw him on the ground
facedown, and as a last devilry tore out his hair with their potent boots.
Vittorio was persona-non-grata in Israel. Too subversive, one year before he had
demonstrated at the Wailing Wall with his friend Gabriele together with the men and
women from Budrus village. He taught and sang with them our most beautiful partisan song
“O Bella ciao, ciao….”
At that time I did not watch TV, not even when in autumn 2008 an Israeli commando
assaulted the fisherboat in Palestinian waters near Rafah and Vittorio was first locked up in
Ramle and then sent home in prison clothes and slippers.
Certainly, now I can only thank the press and TV that they have approached us in a decent
way, that they have “occupied” our house respectfully, without excesses, and they gave me
the possibility to speak about Vittorio and his chosen ideals.
This lost son, now so much alive as he may never have been before, just like the seed that
grows and dies in the earth, will bear prosperous fruit. I can see and hear this already in the
words of friends, especially the youth, some of them close by and some of them far away
who through Vittorio have known and understood how to make sense of “Utopia”, that the
hunger for justice and peace, brotherhood and solidarity still prevails and that, as Vittorio
said, “Palestine could as well be in front of your door”. We were far away from Vittorio, but
we were closer than ever.
As of now, his lively presence which is ever-growing by the hour, is like a wind which from
Gaza, his beloved Mediterranean Sea, is blowing wildly and bringing us his hopes and his
love for those without a voice, for the weak, the suppressed, bearing us witness.
Restiamo umani.
GE Profits jump 77%
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Breakdown Draws Near
Plus, here he gives a long but essential video presentation entitled 'The End of Money', that explains why the next 20 years are going to be nothing like the last:
NB It's worth the time trying to get your head around this stuff!
Jesse Ventura
And here he is interviewed on Al Jazeera, parts 1 & 2:
Community Currencies
Also, this looks like a good website, which may come in useful sooner than you think - by Autumn 2011 according to the GEAB.
Sell The Fiat!
NB Silver at over $45, gold at over $1500........
University of Texas Buys $1bn Gold
S&P Drops Dollar's AAA Rating
John Pilger
The History of Banking
Who Killed Vittorio Arrigoni?
Iraq invasion Planned by Oil Companies
Understanding Global Banking
Transformed by Truth
“If Jews looked at the history and not at the fictions, their fear would crumble... They would realize that the Palestinians were not only human but that the Jews have dehumanized the Palestinians through their indoctrination."
Richard Forer
Rigging Elections - USA
I read elsewhere a while ago that when the SHTF a lot of previously-hidden information will start to surface, and this seems to be happening - the corrupt layer at the top are scrambling to save themselves by pointing fingers at everyone else, whilst the general public looks on in horror at what was done in their name.
Pretty soon we will all have our 'Dachau moment', when we can no longer hide behind the 'we didn't know' excuse. This information has been out there from the beginning. Shame on us for looking the other way, and allowing history to take the path it has:
Build a Self-Sustaining Village
(click on 'play' to watch presentation.)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Plus a different slant on altering our climate:
NB Don't let the hand-wringing deceive you, they've been doing it for years. Look up.
NATO running out of Ammo!
Deflation vs. Hyperinflation?
"If, as we both expect, the vast majority of people lose the vast majority of their wealth, there will be a lot of gold for sale in "the market" (whatever it may look like by then). That means a huge amount of sellers, forced to sell by investment losses and other predicaments, and an ever shrinking number of potential buyers. Who might just be wise enough to wait for the price to come down further. It seems obvious where that leads."
Seems to me like the conclusion is either oligarchy, feudalism, dictatorship, or something similar. Over to you, Max?
US Wants to rescind Goldstone Report
This happened after his family was threatened (see previous posts 'Goldstone - Breaking News' and 'Goldstone U-turn'):
What was that about deep denial?
US Controls Afghanistan Drug Trade
Deep Denial
choice not to expose ourselves to certain unpalatable information. We
cannot live in a state of continuous awareness of the fact that thousands
of children are starving to death each day or dying of easily
preventable diseases. So we make a conscious decision to switch off
the sources of such information. This is like taking a different route to
avoid seeing homeless beggars on the street."
Sound familiar? From:
Warren Buffett
From a 2006 article, about taxes and the rich:
Sunday, April 17, 2011
BRICS Drop The Dollar
Gaza - Vittorio Arrigoni
Why is NATO in Libya?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Richard Gage - on Tour!
Precious Metals - Game Changer
The Road to Nihilism?
Comments often interesting, too.
Libya - Truth Emerges
BRIC adds n 'S'
'Regardless of the outcome of such debates, the growth of the BRICS represents an important attempt to create new centers of influence and prevent domination of the world economic order by one or two major players, said South Africa's ambassador to Beijing, Bheki Langa.
"This formation plays a very important role in rebalancing the balance of forces on the world stage," Langa said.'
NB Only one of the BRICS voted for the Libyan invasion (SA). This info seems to segue into Fulford's claims quite well.......reading between the lines, the emerging economies are heartily fed up with the Old Empires. So am I!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Scatter Radar
Global Systemic Crisis
Benjamin Fulford - Endgame
Maybe it is.........
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Energy Non-Crisis (NWO)
If you piece together information from this site, with the Pastor Lindsey Williams (who claims he had the ear of this elite, and heard some death-bed confessions from one of them, a Mr Ken Fromm) and then add peak oil and the disaster in Japan into the mix, including recently-posted info from Ben Fulford, and you'll see that whatever way we look at it, the immediate future looks very bleak indeed, and the only intelligent thing to do, is to be prepared. The worst that can happen, if all of this is not true, is that you will look stupid. The worst that can happen to you if all of this is true and you haven't prepared is.....not worth thinking about:
As usual, you'll have to excuse the awful way this information is presented, but don't let it stop you reading and thinking about it.
Monday, April 11, 2011
New Global Currency
And here is a little background on that same Soros:
(this is well-documented elsewhere too).
Peter Joseph talks with Russia Today
Goldstone's U-Turn
Egypt - Gaza Wall Stopped
Health Warning: Genetically Modified Foods
Eat organic; grow your own; save seeds; look at ingredients...
No-Fly Zone for Gaza?
But of course, in the twisted logic of the imperial powers, some states are more equal than others.
Where was Obama Born?
A person can only be the President of the USA if he/she is a natural-born citizen. If they cannot prove that they are, or if it can be proven that they are not, everything they have signed, agreed to and decided is null and void. That's pretty important, if you think about it.
This has been bubbling under the radar for some while, and I haven't posted anything until now, because there were rumours but no proof. However, here is a signed affidavit from Hawaii, saying he wasn't born there (where he claims to have been born) and later I'll try to find the article I saw which said people in Kenya claim he was born there, and have a statue to prove it, so proud they are of him!
One of the most dangerous aspects of this story is that if it's true the President of the USA could be blackmailable, leading him to make all sorts of decisions he didn't want to make, to avoid risking exposure. Now think about it, even though we all know politicians lie, are his actions since his election what you were expecting from him?
Global Collapse Imminent?
What you will need:
* water;
* food;
* shelter;
..........the rest is luxury.
Economic Hitman John Perkins
Regime Change - Libya (2)
BIG news
Sunday, April 10, 2011
U S S Liberty
CIA Drug Running - for 25 Years
The US invaded that country in order to corner the global heroin market and the drugs money is laundered through some of the biggest names in banking. As Ron Paul says, the proceeds are used to fund secret military operations, so-called 'black-ops'. This is also well-documented by Michael Ruppert in his 'Crossing the Rubicon' book. The Bushes are mentioned, but the Clintons are up to their necks in it all as well: Google 'Mena'.
The whole rotten system will come crashing down without a doubt - it's just a question of when:
Fascism Comes to US
US Government Budget Fraud
Lindsey Williams
His deep suntan is also suspicious, sort-of un-Godly if you know what I mean, but in the interests of balance, I think it's a good idea to put this up, as what he has to say may well be important, and can be independently verified:
If true, it boils down to the elite (top 1%) are getting out of/have got out of the stock market.
Complete Crash of Global Economy
Will it be SDR's, GLO's, or something as yet unknown? The whole of this turmoil over the last few years seems to play straight into the 'problem-reaction-solution' scenario, and it's going to be awful for many who are completely unprepared.
I strongly advise you to listen carefully to this broadcast, where between deep swallows, Max and Stacey lay it out, and take immediate action to protect yourselves. It is being predicted as happening some time this year:
People Protest in Iraq
Regime Change - Libya
Egyptians Support Palestinians
"Humanitarian Intervention" in Libya
NB Dandelion Salad is a great blog, well worth following. Good, solid, honest journalism, as it should be.
The Hypocricy of the Invasion of Libya
from an excellent article:
Speech by Qaddafi of Libya
Israel Bombing Gaza
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Obama's Lobotomy
Here he loses it:
John Pilger on Libya
Libya vs. Central Banks
from a very good article:
Seems to me truth is coming out thick and fast these days - excellent!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Iceland has a pair
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Radioactive Iodine in Rain in France
Radioactive Water released into Pacific
New Earthquake Japan
Thoughts For The Day
- Thomas Jefferson
In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?
- Winston Smith in George Orwell’s 1984
“History is a set of lies agreed upon.”
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Japan and Global Economy
From a couple of days ago, re radiation levels:
Dumping into Pacific Ocean:
Knock-on effects for global economy:
Fulford 6th April Message
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Fed Bails out Ghadafi
Japanese Economy
Fidel Castro on Libya
Benjamin Fulford re Camp Bondsteel
Update on Kosovo situation
The above from Benjamin's website. Have we got the Empire on the run?
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
EU also Increases Acceptable Radiation levels
Plus this great article from the outraged Felicity Arbuthnot:
Imperialism at its very worst.
'Japan is Pulling the World Economy Down'
EPA Raises Acceptable Radiation Levels
El Baradei Grows a Pair!,7340,L-4051939,00.html
UN Report says HAARP can cause Nuclear-Type Explosions
Benjamin Fulford Radio Interview with Rense
Chomsky on Libya
Monday, April 4, 2011
Benjamin Fulford's latest - esoteric - message
"This Week’s Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis will come out on Tuesday, April 5th because we wish to see if our Serbian intelligence contact was right about the impending nuclear attack on Camp Bondsteel. If he is, then some sort of announcement by the perpetrators of this attack is expected to follow. If not, then we try to figure out what the purpose of will have turned out to be disinformation was."
Camp Bonsteel:
Six Epochs of The Singularity
Singularity University
(now accepting invitations).
From Wiki:
Singularity University is an academic institution in Silicon Valley whose stated aim is to "assemble, educate and inspire a cadre of leaders who strive to understand and facilitate the development of exponentially advancing technologies and apply, focus and guide these tools to address humanity’s grand challenges."[2]
Running contemporaneously with the International Space University, Singularity University is not an accredited four-year university, but is instead intended to supplement traditional educational institutions.[3] It offers an annual ten-week summer course intended for graduate and post-graduate students and ten day programs for senior corporate executives and senior government leaders. The first Graduate program began in June 2009, with full tuition costing US$25,000 (although a majority of the participants were provided full or partial scholarships). The inaugural 2009 class was limited to forty fellows chosen from over 1,200 applicants. Eighty graduate and postgraduate students were accepted for the graduate course beginning summer 2010 from a pool of 1,600 applicants.[4][5] sounds very snuggly, but I feel it is very sinister...
v · d · e |
Transhumanism is an international intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.[1] Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as study the ethical matters involved in developing and using such technologies.[1] They predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label "posthuman".[1] Transhumanism is therefore viewed as a subset of philosophical "posthumanism".[2]
The contemporary meaning of the term "transhumanism" — which is now symbolized by H+ (previously >H[3]) and often used as a synonym for "human enhancement" — was foreshadowed by one of the first professors of futurology, FM-2030, who taught "new concepts of the Human" at The New School of New York City in the 1960s, when he began to identify people who adopt technologies, lifestyles and world views transitional to "posthumanity" as "transhuman".[4] This foresight would lay the intellectual groundwork for British philosopher Max More to begin articulating the principles of transhumanism as a futurist philosophy in 1990,[5] and organizing in California an intelligentsia that has since grown into the worldwide transhumanist movement.[4]
The transhumanist vision of a transformed future humanity, which is influenced by the techno-utopias depicted in some great works of science fiction, has attracted many supporters and detractors from a wide range of perspectives.[4] Transhumanism has been condemned by one critic, Francis Fukuyama, as the world's most dangerous idea,[6] while one proponent, Ronald Bailey, counters that it is the "movement that epitomizes the most daring, courageous, imaginative, and idealistic aspirations of humanity".[
see more, including the controversy surrounding this: New Manhatten Project (AGI)
As George Carlin said: 'It's one big club, and you ain't in it'.
(dig the bit where he casually talks about back-engineering the brain!)
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Goldstone - Breaking News
Webster Tarpley Gets it Right!
He names names, explains the whole Libyan set-up and the whole show rings out with so much truth that I fear for his safety. He asks for translators to come forward too, which is probably what frightened the elite, as they would quake with fear at the thought of the whole Arabic world getting hold of this. I just hope he has a bullet-proof vest:
PS As mentioned before, I'll admit that the Daily Mail is not exactly a source with the highest reputation, but these stories can be found in many other places, and are surfacing more regularly. I suggest they're making the Daily Mail headlines as they involve celebrities, which will tittilate the masses, whilst the under-lying information is not taken on board.
Planning Earthquakes
Get ready, folks, your life is about to change...
Israel to build Marina off Gaza Coast
Goldstone Report - Israeli War Crimes
The South African judge Richard Goldstone, author of a report on the war in Gaza of Winter 2008-2009.REUTERS/DENIS BALIBOUSE
All Israeli newspapers devoted their front pages Sunday to "regret" expressed by Judge Richard Goldstone in an article published by The Washington Post after his report accusing the Israeli army of "war crimes" during its offensive against Gaza in the winter 2008-2009. "Had I known what I know now, Goldstone would have been a different document," he told the magistrate including South Africa.
"Goldstone is finally clear (...). His accusations have caused irreversible harm may be to Israel, but with two and a half years late, he realizes he went too far," Yediot Aharonot welcomes . "His regrets, even late, deserve respect," said Nahum Barnea, a columnist of the great tabloid.
"After all the damage you've caused, you wake up. Good day! But it's too late," he said Yaron Dekel, however, an expert on political affairs public radio. Columnist for Maariv newspaper, the South African judge "does not deserve forgiveness." "He acted in a miserable and shameful, contrary to the most fundamental standards of morality, justice and common sense." Worse, "he put our lives at risk by introducing ourselves as immoral. Apologies are not enough of this man," laments the Jerusalem Post, very strong right.
According to Haaretz, the withdrawal of Judge Goldstone is "a great victory for Israel media." "Richard Goldstone had come to represent more than any other efforts the legitimacy of Israel as a civilized obeying the law," the leftist daily.
Chris Hedges
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The US is still a British Colony
Conspiracy theory comes out of the closet. Amen to that!
Dr Judy Wood
Tectonic Warfare
Who is Leuren Moret? See here:
Leuren Moret is a former scientific laboratory employee known for her study of the adverse health and environmental effects of depleted uranium. Moret worked for two periods at two U.S. nuclear weapons laboratories, including Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Moret earned her Bachelor of Science in Geology at University of California, Davis in 1968, and her Master of Arts in Near Eastern Studies from University of California, Berkeley in 1978.
Depleted uranium
Moret is a critic of the use of depleted uranium. She contributed to the United Nations subcommission investigating depleted uranium. She researched the environmental and public health effects of low level radiation from atmospheric testing fallout, nuclear power plants, and depleted uranium weaponry.
In 2003, she testified at the International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan held in Japan. Moret claims that hundreds of medical conditions are caused by exposure to depleted uranium. She was a presenter at the World Depleted Uranium Weapons Conference in Hamburg, Germany, and at the World Court of Women at the World Social Forum in Bombay, India in January 2004. She is a Contributing Editor to Global Outlook, was one of nine members of the Berkeley Community Environmental Advisory Commission, and a former president of the Association for Women Geoscientists.
And here is another very interesting angle on the war of terror:
HAARP Induction Magnetometer
Friday, April 1, 2011
Nuclear Energy and Water
Over the last decade there has been much less rainfall, the river levels are lower, and the industrial and agricultural extraction of water from rivers has increased. This is one of those slow-burn problems that people do not think about, or deliberately do not want to think about, until it is too late.
Here in France the climate has been getting dryer and dryer - 24° in the shade today - and this will have an effect on the ability to cool down the reactors. 85% of France's electricity is produced from these reactors, and I recently heard that last year France had to import electricty from the UK, as they were not able to keep all the power plants cool, necessitating the shutting down of some of them - not a quick process.
This problem will only get worse, and I foresee power cuts becoming a regular feature of European life. This is fine for the average household, who can (or should) easily go without for an hour or two, but much more problematic when we come to think of hospitals, industry, and even those same power stations.
These are energy issues which we could and should have thought about a long, long time ago. Back then, solutions would have been possible - now I am not so sure.
Corporate Fascism
Thought For The Day
Operation Stillpoint - Christopher Story
Operation Stillpoint - Failed Assault on Humanity via Financial Scams and Fraud
By Noeline Clayfield (about the author) Page 1 of 6 page(s)
The almost James Bond like film script of secret maneuvers that finally upended Operation Stillpoint and names those inside and outside government who have tried for decades to implement this plan.
Financial Crisis
The following report by Christopher Story of World Reports is most serious investigative reporting and I encourage all to read about one of many failed recent attacks on Humanity meant to bring us all finally under the thumb of the One World Order that many secret societies, Factions 1, 2, Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relation, Bilderbergers, members of US Congress and some members of President Obama's Administration have been executing. The plan to finally subjugate us to their long planned agenda, spanning some 60-100 years, while achieving total power and control of the world and its resources.
As you will see, this plan has been in action for decades and like the recent failed "Global Warming" scam. That was in operation for 40 years, and was supposed to further restrict us by imposing carbon taxes and controlling industry and resources, but was undone by the "Climategate" hacking operation that exposed all the falsified data about this unproven phenomena. Operation Stillpoint has been duly dismantled by those who have a greater interest in overcoming this power elite and their agenda, against the wellbeing of all humanity.
This report contains the activity of the past week, which has not been covered by mainstream media which of course is internationally controlled by 3 major players with the same evil agenda, and also provides a summary of the whole operation at the end of the report. For other reports of interest go to "Archives "on the site for added background. Link Below.
Operation Stillpoint to take down the USA
We are now in a position to tear part of the veil away from the secret stage on which saboteurs operating from WITHIN US Government structures have been systematically, over a prolonged period of years, seeking to do nothing less than seize the assets of the entire United States and its people, in a mad revolutionary offensive to convert the country into a fiefdom controlled by a small clique of arrogant maniacs.
In essence and in outline, the secret offensive against the United States and its people directed from within by subversives headed by George Bush Sr. and his controller-handler, Dr Henry 'Heinz' Kissinger, and micromanaged by Bush Sr.'s criminal financier Dr Alan Greenspan, with embedded participation of Leo/Lee Wanta, involved the following intended stages:
Stage 1:
Developing myriad Ponzi schemes and giga-thefts, of infinite variety, and BY ANY MEANS, in order to procure 'base money' for open-ended unreported, off-balance sheet, untaxed leveraging and hypothecation operations.
Stage 2:
Maximizing the potential for the accumulation of trillions of fiat dollars by means of such financial sorcery, both for personal self-enrichment purposes and in order to accumulate a colossal fund of fiat 'money' from Fraudulent Finance operations, ready for Stage 3.
Stage 3:
Deliberately inducing the collapse of the US financial system and economy to facilitate Stage 4:
Stage 4:
Here's who Christopher Story is/was:
And here is news of his sudden death, by poison:
Benjamin Fulford latest
Posted by benjamin
The people of the world need to urgently take action against the cabal responsible for the nuclear and tsunami attack against Japan because it is a sign they are desperate, dangerous and are speeding up their planned artificial end-times. The next attack is almost certain to take place on US soil and is expected to be far worse than what happened to Japan, according to multiple cabal-linked sources. The cabal is also planning to announce a new global currency in the coming weeks but it will fail because it is merely a desperate bid by them to remain in control of global finance, according to sources in the British Royal Family and at the BIS.
Dollar Decline
Obama and The Aliens
Max Keiser - what's he up to?
I noticed from the GSF that this new global reseve currency is just about ready to go, with exchange rates posted on their website (1GLO = 3,23€). There is a G20-type meeting about now to discuss a new 'basket of currencies', (I read it somewhere yesterday, and will post if I can re-find it) and I have no doubt that pretty soon we'll hear an announcement about the replacement of the dollar.
My problem is that after reading the pages on the GSF website about the implementation of this new global currency, it seems to actually be the NWO's ideas getting in by the back door. The currency will in theory be gold-backed, but is, in fact, virtual, and all transactions are done via mobile phones and computers, with no physical banks, as such. The exchange rate will no doubt lead to a massive devaluation of individual wealth, much like the introduction of the Euro did for Franc savings, effectively trebling prices almost overnight.
Another major problem I have with these GLO's is that if they are gold-backed, how can you tell? Who has the gold? How can you prove that it is sitting in a vault somewhere? How do we know it is not tungsten-backed?
Finally, the very real danger of this new system is the ease with which people can be disenfranchised: immediately outside of the system if they do not have a computer and/or mobile phone, reliant upon constant supply of electricity (not at all a given going forward) and of course open to abuse from the people who can close your account without explanation or recourse if they do not like the fact that you were spotted at a demonstration the previous week, for example.
All in all a very worrying state of affairs that I'm not sure any of us can do much to resist. It is pretty certain now that the current financial house of cards will crumble soon, and indeeed is being actively attacked by people like Max, by encouraging us all to buy precious metals, but I have the nagging suspicion that we are digging our own graves and begging for our own slavery. A very clever trick if it is pulled off, and I suppose you have to be in awe at the cleverness of the deception.
Trains, Planes and Automobiles